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  • LEED Gold for Neeb This fall the Martin J. Neeb Center received the distinction of being named Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certified. According to the U.S. Green Building Council, the Neeb Center is the only radio facility in the nation with…

    efficient florescent bulbs. Even the parking lot lights are designed to limit light pollution by directing the light down, instead of up and out. It isn’t just about light though; the water fixtures (toilets, water fountains, sinks) use 30 percent less water than a standard system. And when the building is idle it goes into a sleep mode of sorts, Kaniss said. The Neeb Center is the second new building at PLU to receive LEED Gold, the other being the Morken Center for Learning and Technology. Reaching

  • Power off – Competition on! By Chris Albert A mid-season loss of Ordal Residence Hall’s most valuable player may have been the difference between victory and defeat in PLU’s UnPLUgged tournament. “We lost our star player,” said Ordal’s current sustainability coordinator, Jason Sipe. Julia Rodrigues…

    to unplug appliances when they are not in use, or turning a power strip off, or doing the simplest of acts like turning off the lights when they aren’t needed. “There’s a lot more than just plugging and unplugging things from the wall,” said Christine Cooley, PLU’s sustainability coordinator. “The technology (to save energy) is there. People’s habits haven’t adopted to it yet.” That’s starting to change this year, thanks to UnPLUgged. And it will likely change even more with all stars like

  • The Dead Gentlemen return to PLU – Ben Dobyns ’01, Don Early ’00, Matt Vancil ’01 and Steve Wolbrecht ’99. The Dead Gentlemen filmmakers return to PLU By Barbara Clements Once upon a time, there were five Lutes, who had a passion for gaming,…

    Early.  To which Vancil adds, “It’s not going to make you rich.”  On this they all agree, when they aren’t interrupting each other to make a point, as they gathered in Red Square before talking to interested film students in Ingram Hall last Friday. Technology has only made the film craft easier. A decade ago, it took forever to edit even 10 minutes of film.  Now the ease of editing on computers and shooting on Flips has made the craft much more streamline and intuitive. But you have to have a good

  • Aimee Hamilton’s undergraduate course, Religion and Culture: Contemporary Religions of South Asia, gathers for a morning site visit at the Khalsa Gurmat School in Kent. Khalsa Gurmat is a nonprofit school that emphasizes Sikh history, Punjabi language, computing, art and math. The school also functions as…

    community. Sikh values of equality and non-violence are communicated through sitting together on the floor and enjoying vegetarian food. Suwilanji Silozi gets creative and incorporates soccer team pride into his head covering. Chris Boettcher (left) takes up the class challenge to participate by asking questions of gurdwara community members. Read Previous Vote! Women’s Center seeks community feedback on new name Read Next PLU Teaching Online program incorporates technology into learning, enhances brick

  • PLU alumna Becca Anderson ‘19, ‘22 is in her first year teaching biology to ninth graders at Sammamish High School in Bellevue. Her classroom consists of a diverse population of students — something her recent completion of the Culturally Sustaining STEM Teacher Program at Pacific…

    of the Culturally Sustaining STEM Teacher Program at Pacific Lutheran University helped prepare her for.Funded by a $1.2 million grant from the National Science Foundation, PLU’s Culturally Sustaining STEM Teacher Program provides funding for students earning their Master of Education (MAE) at PLU that plan to teach STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) subjects at the middle or high school level. Scholarship recipients — like Anderson — attend monthly meetings to learn about equity

  • Registration for Columbia Summer courses is now open at Columbia University. Explore the full range of multidisciplinary academic opportunities available at Columbia this summer across their two sessions: Session A (May 3–June 18) and Session B (June 28–August 16). Columbia Summer is designed to meet…

    Achievement in United Nations Studies, Human Rights and International Relations Throughout the summer, opportunities to explore the Columbia environment go beyond the classroom with our Summer Ideas Exchange, a series of thoughtful conversations between Columbia’s foremost faculty and prominent public figures and thought leaders. With classes delivered through a combination of online and HyFlex instruction, Columbia Summer is open to admitted undergraduate and graduate students visiting from universities

  • Tacoma artist Matt Johnson, a visiting instructor in the Department of Art & Design, explores the details of everyday life in his upcoming exhibition. Join SOAC and the University Gallery for the opening reception of “Matt Johnson” with light refreshments Wednesday, October 12 from 5…

    . Most drawings are done in charcoal with some in graphite and watercolor; paintings are oil on canvas and board while sculptures are created using greenware (unfired clay). Johnson’s work will be displayed and open for public viewing Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. from October 12 to November 9 in PLU’s University Gallery; cost is free. Read Previous Professor of Communication returns from sabbatical Read Next A Retrospective Exhibit: 100 Years of the Art of Keyes and Cox opens in the University

  • People who are repeatedly exposed to tragedy and trauma, such as health care workers, fire fighters and law enforcement officers, may be susceptible to a condition known as “compassion fatigue, “according to a new documentary produced by PLU’s MediaLab. “Overexposed: The Cost of Compassion,” makes…

    learned so much,” Scaff says. “Our goal now is to bring awareness to this issue so people can identify it and know how to cope.” “Overexposed” marks the seventh film produced by MediaLab, which has received numerous national recognitions for its work, including one Emmy Award and three consecutive Emmy nominations. The world premiere of Overexposed was held in October 2011 at Seattle Central Public Library. The film is free and panel discussion are free. Read Previous Generous donation creates Ingram

  • Economist Arthur Laffer discusses U.S. economy Economist and consultant Arthur Laffer visited PLU to offer his view on the current climate of recession, deficits and tax stimulus packages. Known as “the father of supply-side economics,” Laffer was a member of President Reagan’s Economic Policy Advisory…

    is the founder and chairman of Laffer Associates, an economic research and consulting firm that provides investment-research services to institutional asset managers. Since its inception in 1979, the firm’s research has focused on the interconnecting macroeconomic, political and demographic changes affecting global financial markets. One of his earliest successes in shaping public policy was his involvement in Proposition 13, the groundbreaking California initiative that drastically cut property

  • Claim: The unexamined life is not worth living Socrates is heralded as the first real philosopher in the Western tradition. He embarked on a quest for wisdom. Finding little wisdom, but lots of self-certainty, he began his job as the gadfly of Athens. He asked…

    themselves. His idea that the unexamined life is not worthy living is referenced often. But what did examining life get him? Executed! Maybe the unexamined life is not worth living, but at least you get to live. Original thinkers have often faced persecution, exile and execution. Thinking can be dangerous. Putting your thoughts out into the public arena where they can be acted on can be deadly, for yourself or for others. Ideas about individuality and democracy obviously changed the world, but many died