External Funding Opportunities
National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Scholarships
Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA)
Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Loan Repayment Program
Hearst Endowed Fellowships for Minority Students
The Aspen Institute Program on Philanthropy and Social Innovation (PSI) in Washington, DC offers the William Randolph Hearst Endowed Fellowship to one student three times annually. The fellowship, which is based on academic excellence and need, is open to both undergraduate and graduate students.
Neysa Fanwick Memorial Scholarship
The Neysa Fanwick Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a master’s degree candidate in social work dedicated to addressing injustices within various systems, including, but not limited to, criminal justice, foster care, healthcare, and education.
Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF)
Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) is a federal program that forgives the remaining balance on your Direct Loans after you have made 120 qualifying monthly payments (approximately 10 years) under a qualifying repayment plan while working full-time for an eligible public employer.
Washington Mental Health Counselor’s Association (MSW)
In 2023 WMHCA started The Dr. Ellen K. Carruth Diversity & Inclusivity in Counseling Scholarship for to the most outstanding applicant. The scholarship was named after a past beloved board member and fierce advocate of diversity and inclusion for all marginalized individuals. You can donate to the scholarship below. WMHCA will contribute $1000 to this scholarship. All other applicants who meet the eligibility criteria will be entered into a lottery for $500 scholarships. WMHCA is committed to providing eight $500 scholarships.
Washington Student Achievement Council
Student Loan Advocate (SLA)
SLA: Assisting student loan borrowers in Washington
The Student Loan Advocate collaborates with other state agencies to support current and future student loan borrowers in Washington State by:
- Addressing student borrowers’ questions and complaints.
- Providing borrowers information about student loans.
- Educating the public about the rights and responsibilities of student loan borrowers
Women of Wonder Scholarships
Undergraduate, Advanced Degree
Available to women who are residents of Washington State, admitted as a student to attend an accredited college or university full or part-time, who demonstrate need by submitting a processed copy of a current Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) that shows the FAFSA EFC number, and who demonstrate desire via a short, personal essay. Preference is given to single moms, women raised by a single parent, and women on their own with no support.* If you are a woman on your own, perhaps with absentee or unavailable parents, and thus have issues completing the FAFSA®, you may contact us directly to discuss options: info@womanofwonder.org. Scholarship applications are accepted online through theWashBoard.org from January 1 through April 9.
Lea Armstrong Scholarship and Community Organization (LASCO) – for single parents living in Pierce County
Are you a single parent in need of a scholarship? The Lea Armstrong Scholarship and Community Organization (LASCO) provides financial assistance to qualified single parents with children at home, who are pursuing higher education in Pierce County. Register at WashBoard.org to apply.

Additional External Funding Resources for BSW and MSW Students
These funding programs, while not directly affiliated with PLU, provide potential financial assistance to students. It’s important to note that this list isn’t comprehensive, but rather meant to gather resources to aid you in finding funding opportunities.
- Association of American Indian Affairs
- Cobell Scholarship
- Indian Health Service Scholarship Program
- Consuelo W. Gosnell Memorial Scholarsh
- Native Hawaiian Health Scholarship Program
- National Association of Black Social Workers
- Verne LaMarr Lyons Memorial Scholarship
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
- The Hispanic Scholarship Fund
- Korean American Scholarship Fund
- Council on Social Work Education Minority Fellowship Program
- PLU Center for Military Support seeks to uplift our veterans and military-affiliated students by providing resources and care during your academic journey at PLU through a holistic support system. The center offers veterans exclusive access to university resources tailored to their needs, serving as a hub where they can connect and cultivate a supportive community within the university. The center also provides resources to help you navigate your financial benefits.
- Health Professional Scholarship Program (HPSP) offers financial support to students pursuing education or training in healthcare fields directly or indirectly related to healthcare services, aiming to ensure a sufficient pool of qualified personnel for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The HPSP program aids the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) in addressing its demand for skilled healthcare professionals in areas where recruitment or retention proves challenging.
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