The Practicum Experience

The practicum experience is the signature pedagogy in social work education. Practicum placements in the social work sector offer students a significant advantage in their careers by offering hands-on experience and preparing them to handle the challenges and situations commonly encountered in their profession. Social work interns simultaneously contribute to their communities while refining their skills.

Practicum Hour Requirements

Students are placed in social service agencies where, under supervision, they demonstrate the generalist skills of engagement, assessment, intervention, and evaluation of practice. They apply ethical principles in interactions with clients and staff, demonstrate critical thinking, engage and embrace diversity, demonstrate and apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment. In weekly seminar, students integrate the theories and skills from their coursework with experiences in their field settings, applying theories of human behavior and the social environment.

Social work majors have access to a rich variety of social service agencies in Tacoma, Pierce County, and in some cases, beyond the county.

During senior year, students will complete 460 hours of work in a social service agency.

Field hour requirements for MSW:

    • Advanced Standing Program
      (14months), 640 hours (320 hours each for two semesters)
    • Regular Program
      (24 months), 960 hours (320 hours each for three semesters)