Hazel Ali Zaman, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Social Work

Phone: 253-535-7507
Email: zaman@plu.edu
Office Location: Xavier Hall - 146
Office Hours: (On Campus) Mon: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm (On Campus) Wed: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
- Professional
- Biography
- Ph.D., Social Work and Social Research, Portland State University , 2024
- M.Ed., Elementary Education, Portland State University, 2017
- B.S., Child and Family Studies, Portland State University, 2016
Selected Publications
- Anderson-Nathe, B., Zaman, H. (2024). Professor Drag. Queering Professionalism: Problems, Potentials, and Possibilities in Neoliberal Times. University of Toronto Press.
- Zaman, H. (2023). Furry acts as non/human drag: A case study exploring queer of colour liveability through the fursona. Queer Studies in Media & Popular Culture, Special Issue: ‘Posthuman Drag’, 8:1, pp. 99–114
- Mountz, S., Harrell, S., Zaman, H. (2023). Teaching beyond trans-competency: Exploring trans-affirming pedagogy through applied case studies. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 50:1, pp. 106-126
- Gooding, A. R., Zaman, B., Harrell, S., Collins, S., Abelson, M. J., Anderson-Nathe B. (2022) Situated agency: How LGBTQ youth navigate and create queer(ed) space. Journal of LGBT Youth, 1-21.
- Zaman, B., Anderson-Nathe, B. (2021). Toward queer potentialities in child and youth care. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies, 12(3-4), 104-128.
Hazel Ali Zaman received her PhD in Social Work and Social Research, Graduate Certificate in Gender, Race, and Nations, MEd in Elementary Education, and BS in Child and Family Studies at Portland State University. Informed by queer and trans of color scholarship, Hazel engages with various interdisciplinary fields, such as transgender studies, performance studies, and critical youth studies, as a way to explore queer and trans of color life through embodied art, music, and performance. Hazel’s current teaching and research interests include queer and trans wellness, healthcare, identity expression, social justice, and the utilization of phenomenological and participatory methodologies for applied inquiry. Along with university teaching and research, Hazel also has a professional background in early childhood education, elementary education, after-school education, queer and trans youth advocacy and queer and trans community organizing.
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