What is the DJS Fee?
The DJS Fee is a $10 fee per semester per student that helps support diversity, justice, and sustainability initiatives on campus.
The money collected is used to fund DJS Fee Priorities identified by the student body. Each priority has an individual budget that is overseen by campus departments who contribute to designing opportunities to best meet the goals of the priorities.
The DJS Fee is set on a two-year budget cycle allowing for continuity and sustainability of planning for initiatives.

DJS Leadership Development: Workshops, dialogues, and training that cultivate leaders invested in the values and intersections of diversity justice and sustainability. (Center for DJS, Campus Life, International Student Services, Athletics)
New Student DJS Onboarding: Onboarding that promoted diversity justice and sustainability as a core value at PLU. (Center for DJS, Campus Life)
Culture of Sustainability: Projects that promote engaging campus in intersectional environmental learning and practices. (University Sustainability Committee)
Interfaith Engagement/Spiritual Wellbeing: Opportunities that promote the value of interfaith connections and celebrations and increases belonging for those with minoritized religious identities. (Campus Ministry)
Identity Thriving Initiatives: Opportunities to promote belonging and thriving on campus for historically minoritized student identities including students of color, queer students, undocumented students, first in family students, and students who receive accommodations (Center for DJS, Campus Life, Wellness & Health Services)
DJS Student Fellowships + Research: Supporting student research furthering PLU’s DJS practices. (Center for DJS)
DJS Tracking and Assessment: Tools and systems to provide feedback and accountability for DJS initiatives. (AVP for DJS)
Cultural Celebrations: Funding events that celebrate and uplift various world cultures backgrounds. (Center for DJS, DJS Clubs, International Student Association)
Special Project: Funds for the DJS FUNd Team to use on emerging DJS opportunities.
DJS Fee Management: Paid student leaders to coordinate that DJS Fee (Center for DJS)
Transparency: Fees Collected & Project Funding
The information listed below is provided for accountability purposes. Please direct questions to djs@plu.edu.
2023-2024 (to date 7/19/24)
Starting Balance:$140,766.99
Total Fees Collected: $42,070.00
Funds Allocated:$55,000
Total Funds Spent: $43,251.03
- 2023-2024 is the second and final year of the two-year budget cycle
- In Spring 2023, students advocated for the Student Transit Program ($10,000 for PLU Student Orca Cards) to be implemented as a Special Project utilizing funds from multiple DJS Fee Priorities.
DJS Leadership Development (Allocated: $6,500, Spent: $2851.17)
- Jterm Book Group $1,737.67
- Campus Conversation (Palestine & Israel) $164.00
- Spring DJS Coalition Dinner $949.50
New Student DJS Onboarding (Allocated: $6,000, Spent: $5,400)
- Becoming a Lute Reception $5,400
Culture of Sustainability (Allocated: $6,000, Spent: $5,044.50)
- Student Transit Pilot $4,000
- Not purchased Student Orca Cards $1,044.5
Interfaith Engagement/Spiritual Wellbeing (Allocated: $4,000, Spent: $2,816.76)
- Celebration of Light $969.03
- Diwali Festival $257.38
- Holi Festival $158.30
- The Gathering Table $162.00
- Baccalaureate $833.05
- Campus Ministry Hike with Outdoor Rec $115
- Iftar $322
Identity Thriving Initiatives (Allocated: $8,500, Spent: $6,220.46)
- International Student Flag Update & Installation $203.40
- Student of Color Retreat $2,736.27
- Queer Student Retreat $1,257.96
- Latinx Meet & Greet $200
- Black Lutes Meet & Greet $337.50
- Queer Connections $85.33
- Sista Circle $500
- SOC Pop Ups $550
DJS Student Fellowships + Research (Allocated: $9,000, Spent: $9,000)
- DJS Fellow – Black Girl Research (3 students) $4,500
- DJS Fellow – SurPLUs & Waste Diversion $1,500
- DJS Fellow – Student Transit $1,500
- DJS Fellow – AANAPISI Grant $1,500
DJS Tracking and Assessment (Allocated: $4,000, Spent: $4,000)
- Student Transit Pilot $4,000
Cultural Celebrations (Allocated: $7,000, Spent: $3,918.14)
- International Education Week $1,094.57
- Gender & Sexuality $986.90
- Dia de los Muertos $408.75
- Transgender Day of Remembrance $56.34
- Black History Month (Film Screening) $279.28
- Native American History Month (Film Screening) $306
- Earth & Diversity Week $787.05
DJS Fee Management (Allocated: $2,000, Spent: $2,000)
- DJS FUNd Team student employment $2,000
Special Projects (Allocated: $2,000, Spent: $2,000)
- Student Transit Pilot $2,000
Starting Balance: $116,386.21
Total Fees Collected:$41,630.00
Funds Allocated:$55,000
Total Funds Spent: $17,249.22
- Initiatives and budget allocations were updated based on learnings from the 2021-2022 pilot program
- 2022-2023 was the first year of the 2-year budget cycle
DJS Leadership Development (Allocated: $6,500, Spent: $2,425.99)
- JTerm Book Group $2,425.99
New Student DJS Onboarding (Allocated: $6,000, Spent: $3,500.55)
- DJS Reception $2,303.11
- Sounds of Solidarity $429.86
- Queer Connections $207.58
- Consent 101 $326.25
- SOCial $233.75
Culture of Sustainability (Allocated: $6,000, Spent: $0)
Interfaith Engagement/Spiritual Wellbeing (Allocated: $4,000, Spent: $1,846.86)
- Celebration of Light $990.91
- Holi Festival $216.32
- Spiritual Wellness – Breathe and Be and Meditation $639.63
Identity Thriving Initiatives (Allocated: $8,500, Spent: $6,031.98)
- Students of Color Retreat $3,000
- Queer Student Retreat $1,075.95
- Spring Queer Connections $67.03
- Sista Circle $700
- First in Family SOD Award Pins $889.00
DJS Student Fellowships + Research (Allocated: $9,000, Spent: $9,000)
DJS Tracking and Assessment (Allocated: $4,000, Spent: $0)
Cultural Celebrations (Allocated: $7,000, Spent: $3,443.84)
- Earth & Diversity Week $2,443.84
- Gender & Sexuality Week $1,00
DJS Fee Management (Allocated: $2,000, Spent: $0)
Starting Balance: $94,924.88
Total Fees Collected:$43,780.00
Funds Allocated:$55,000
Total Funds Spent: $22,318.67
- 2021-2022 was the “pilot” year of distributing funds to student prioritized initiatives.
DJS Leadership Development (Allocated: $8,000, Spent: $4,461.79)
- DJS Coalition Workshops (Fall) $722.25
- DJS Coalition Workshops (Spring) $1,175
- JTerm Book Group $2,243.54
- Spirit of Diversity Awards $321
New Student Onboarding (Allocated $8,000, Spent: $2,637.99)
- DJS Reception $2,022.25
- Sounds of Solidarity 103.22
- Commuter Welcome $96.25
- Bienvenidos! $85.00
- Queer Connections $331.27
Interfaith Engagement/Spiritual Wellbeing (Allocated $4,000, Spent:$774.01)
- Celebration of Light $774.01
Identity Thriving Initiatives (Allocated: $8,500, Spent:$5,444.88)
- Students of Color Retreat $3,500
- Sista Circle $998.29
- Spring Students of Color Retreat $946.59
DJS Fellowships & Research (Allocated: $9,000, Spent: $9,000)
- DJS Fellow – Indigenous Connections $1,500
- DJS Fellow – Waste Diversion Education $1,500
- DJS Fellow – Outdoor Third Spaces $1,500
- DJS Fellow – Resource Conservation $1,500
- DJS Fellow – On Campus Community Engagement $1,500
- DJS Fellow – Parkland Community Engagement $1,500
DJS Tracking & Assessment (Allocated: $7,000, Spent: $0)
Special Projects (Allocated: $5,500, Spent: $0)
The DJS FUNd Team works with the Center for DJS and is responsible for setting the DJS Fee budget, gathering input on priorities from students, and distributing the impact of the funds. This team is composed of student leaders of various majors and class standings.