Dr. Jes Takla
Assistant Vice President for Student Life Strategic Initiatives and Assessment

- Professional
- Doctor of Philosophy, Higher Education, Azusa Pacific University, 2023
- Master of Arts, College Student Personnel, Bowling Green State University, 2008
- Bachelor of Fine Arts, Photography & Fiber Material Studies, School of the Art Institute Chicago, 2006
Student Life Responsibilities
- PLUS 100 Coordinator & Instructor
- Co-convener THRIVE* Network (*Transition, Holistic Wellbeing, Retention, Innovation, Vocation, Engagement)
- Coordinate the annual Student Life Assessment process and support divisional program review and accreditation planning
- Represent division on Institutional Effectiveness team
- Co-coordinate divisional onboarding, trainings, and events
- Serve on Student Life Council
Selected Publications
- Takla, J. (2023). Becoming CRITICAL CREATIVES: A Three-Study Dissertation. (Publication No. 30637121) [Doctoral dissertation, Azusa Pacific University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
- Takla, J. (2015, February). Living the learning: It starts with TLC (themed learning communities). Synergy: Newsletter for NASPA SAPAA Knowledge Community, 9-13.
Selected Presentations
- NASPA Annual Conference, From Arriving to Thriving: THRIVE (Transition, Holistic Wellbeing, Retention, Innovation, Vocation, and Engagement) Framework [Conference Session; ; co-presented with Juliano, N., Austin, A., Gonwick, M.], Seattle, WA (2024, March)
- NASPA Annual Conference, Radically (Re)Imagining Qualitative Methods: Collectivist Strategies for Liberatory, Abolitionist, Decolonizing, & Queering Praxes [Conference session; co-presented with Harris, N. R., Plascencia Saldana, B., & Pierre, D.], Seattle, WA (2024, March)
- ASHE Virtual Methodology Workshop, Radically (Re)Imagining Qualitative Methods: Collectivist Strategies for Liberatory, Abolitionist, Decolonizing, & Queering Praxes [Conference session; co-presented with Harris, N. R., Plascencia Saldana, B., & Pierre, D.], Virtual (2024, February)
- NASPA Western Regional Conference, Radical imagination and critical creativity praxis for liberatory futures [Conference session; co-presented with Harris, N. R., & Plascencia Saldana, B.], Anaheim, CA (2022, November)
- ASHE Annual Conference, Bringing the literature to life through storytelling praxis: From scholarship to collective action [Conference session; co-presented with Harris, N. R., & Plascencia Saldana, B.], Las Vegas, NV (2022, November)
- Imagine Otherwise Professional Development Seminar, Cultivating critical creativity [Seminar session], Tacoma, WA (2022, June/July; 2021, April)
- NASPA Western Regional Conference, Imagine otherwise: Advancing diversity and inclusion in higher education through critical creativity [Conference session; co-presented with Hambrick, A.], San Francisco, CA (2021, November)
- NASPA Western Regional Conference, Storytelling praxis for courageous and resilient women’s leadership [Conference session; co-presented with Harris, N. R., & Plascencia Saldana, B.], San Francisco, CA (2021, November)
- NASPA Region V Senior Student Affairs Officers Retreat, Cultivating critical creativity [Conference session], Virtual (2021, August)
- NASPA Western Regional Conference, Connecting through creativity: Developing habits of “everyday creativity” in student affairs [Conference session; co-presented with Betron, L.], Portland OR (2019, November)
- ACPA Annual Convention, Flourish and flow: Cultivating creative mindfulness to support student success [Conference session; co-presented with Avery, L., & Rodgers, M.], Houston, TX (2018, March)
- NASPA Annual Conference, Flourish and flow: Cultivating creative mindfulness to support student success [Conference session; co-presented with Avery, L., & Rodgers, M.], Philadelphia, PA (2018, March)
- ACUHO-I Annual Conference and Exposition, Thriving at Pacific Lutheran University: Schreiner’s Thriving Quotient and PLU’s residential student experience. In J. Lauer (Chair), Completing the loop: Connecting building design and student experience [Pre-Conference Workshop; co-presented with Garrett, S.], Seattle, WA (2016, July)
- Pacific Lutheran University Student Learning Colloquium: Understanding Student Learning, Understanding student learning outside of the classroom: Residential learning communities and residential linked courses [Colloquium session; co-presented with Maloney, M.], Tacoma, WA (2016, March)
- NASPA Annual Conference, It takes a village: Storytelling as a marketing tool [Conference session], New Orleans, LA (2015, March)
- ACPA Annual Convention, It takes a village: Storytelling as a marketing tool [Conference session], Tampa, FL (2015, March)
- Washington Higher Education Sustainability Conference, unPLUg: Sustainability programming [Conference session; co-presented with Cooley, C.], Bellingham, WA (2014, February)
- PACURH Annual Conference, unPLUg: Sustainability programming [Conference session; co-presented with Barker, P.], Spokane, WA (2013, November)