Special Provisions

End of Term:

Incidents reported during the last 15 working days of each semester, as well as January and Summer terms, may be expedited and have a Review Meeting set within 24-hours of the incident. Incident Reports not reviewed in Review Meetings before the end of the term will be reviewed without the presence of the student(s) named in the report by a Review Officer as determined by the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities. Notification of decisions and sanctions will be sent by email. How ‘End of Term Incidents” will be handled will be at the discretion of the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

Summer/January Term:

The standard provision for Review Meetings are followed as much as reasonably possible with the available personnel.  The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities may ask Review Officers for the academic year to continue in the Summer and January terms as applicable. The Dean of Students will appoint any student members required, and the University Provost will appoint any faculty members required.

Emergencies or Unusual Circumstances:

At their discretion, the Dean of Students may immediately review emergencies or unusual circumstances in which student conduct interferes seriously with the rights of others, with the normal ongoing work and activities of the university, or poses possible danger to the health, safety, and welfare of that individual or other people or property. In such special situations, the Dean of Students may issue a temporary decision and temporary sanction to stabilize the situation, and prevent further disruption or harm. This may involve steps up to and including, the immediate removal of students from the campus and community, without limitation.

As soon as practical thereafter, the allegations against the student will be heard by Review Officers at a special meeting called by the Dean of Students. At the Review Meeting, the student will be accorded the rights set out in these procedures, except that the timelines set out may vary.

Special Considerations in Sexual Misconduct Cases:

PLU takes allegations of sexual misconduct very seriously. Allegations that PLU’s Sexual Misconduct Policy has been violated trigger some procedures in addition to those set out above, as required by federal law. PLU generally investigates allegations of Sexual Misconduct in one or more of the following ways. All processes are designed to:

  • Provide notice to students and employees of sexual misconduct grievance procedures, including where complaints may be filed
  • Provide students with supportive materials and resources
  • Apply the procedures to complaints alleging harassment carried out by employees, other students, or third parties
  • Provide adequate, reliable, impartial, and efficient investigation of complaints, including the opportunity for both parties to present witnesses and other evidence
  • Set out designated and reasonably prompt time frames for the major stages of the complaint process
  • Provide notice to parties of the outcome of the complaint
  • Work with campus partners to take steps to prevent recurrence of this harassment and to correct its discriminatory effects on the complainant and others, if applicable.

The processes used by PLU for Sexual Misconduct complaints include:

The Student Conduct Process:

This is utilized if allegations are made that a current student has violated PLU’s Sexual Misconduct Policy in its Student Code of Conduct. The process is governed by PLU’s Student Conduct Procedures.

The University Dispute Resolution Process:

This is utilized if allegations are made that PLU’s Human Resources Policy has been violated by a faculty, staff, or third party. The process is governed by PLU’s Grievance Procedures.

Informal Process:

This is utilized if all parties voluntarily agree to an informal process, which may include an educational conversation or a facilitated mediation. The process is meant to be educational in nature, and no determination of responsibility is made. 

Title IX Formal Process:

With sexual misconduct complaints, the Title IX Coordinator may assign a Title IX Investigator to complete an investigation of the complaint. For complete information on the Investigative Procedure, please see the PLU Sexual Misconduct Policy. PLU’s Sexual Misconduct Policy, which is designed to educate students about healthy sexual interactions, prohibits some sexual conduct that may not rise to the level of sex-based harassment or violence as defined by Title IX legislation. As a result, it is possible for a student to be found “responsible” and sanctioned for a violation of the Sexual Misconduct Policy through the Student Code of Conduct process, even though a determination was made that the conduct has not violated Title IX.

All questions about PLU’s efforts to stop sex-based discrimination and harassment, and sexual violence, in addition to any questions about the PLU sexual misconduct policy and procedures, should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator (titleix@plu.edu) and/or the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (srr@plu.edu).