The textbook provision within the 2008 reauthorization of the Higher Education Opportunities Act (HEOA) is designed to ensure students have access to affordable course materials. The PLU Lute Locker is required to ensure compliance with HEOA on behalf of the university. This federal mandate requires information regarding course textbooks and materials be available to students prior to beginning registration for those specific classes. Knowledge of course material requirements helps students proactively consider what resources are necessary to manage the cost of their attendance at Pacific Lutheran University and make informed choices about their purchases by researching them on the open market.
By participating in the textbook adoption process, adopting materials on time through Verba Collect and complying with federally mandatory adoption deadlines, faculty play a critical role in facilitating a central location where students can search for required materials.
With few exceptions, textbooks are no longer sold in the PLU Lute Locker. We now partner with MBS Direct. This allows for simple online ordering and accurate, cost free, on-time shipping for PLU students. Click here to learn more about the advantages of MBS Direct.
Course Reserves
The Mortvedt Library provides short term loans of course materials. This allows students to borrow or download materials through the Lute Lending Library and SAKAI. Please submit course material requests promptly for each term. Click here to learn more about Course Reserves.

Money Saving Ideas for the Intrepid Instructor
Reduce - Reuse - Recycle
- Make some material adoptions optional.
- Adapt to using older editions when feasible.
- Offer materials that can be borrowed from the department.
- Utilize SAKAI to organize materials from multiple resources.
- Provide links to downloadable resources.
- Adopt materials that can be used in multiple courses.
Helpful Hints
When materials are selected in Verba, the cost listed is not necessarily what the student will pay. Please research other sources to compare prices, like bookfinder.com.
Access codes can be the most expensive materials procured by students. Requiring access codes that can be used for multiple terms is a more affordable option.
Customizable texts are available through publishers if your curriculum requires it. Those custom editions may be sold through the Lute Locker.
Create a custom course reader and have it printed at the Customer Service Center – PLU’s Mail Services and Copy Center.
Need Help? Contact:
Vanessa Bannon
Administrative Coordinator
Center for Student Success
(253) 535-7205