PLU Alumni Travel: Northern Ireland, 2018

PLU's Pilot Alumni Travel Seminar to Northern Ireland
In collaboration with the Office of Advancement, the Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education offered an opportunity for a study away like program to PLU alumni and friends of PLU. The pilot seminar for PLU Alumni Travel launched in April 2018 to Northern Ireland with Professor Ann Kelleher, alumni and friends.
Seminar Recap
Location: Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland, UK
Travel dates: April 7-14, 2018
The seminar, “Local Peacebuilding in Practice”, enabled its participants to find their own favorite experiences as they discovered the wide range of possibilities open to them in a place becoming known as “peace city.” This opportunity was made possible by the partnership between Pacific Lutheran University and local community development/peacebuilding groups that have been engaging in inter-community work for 29 years. Learning about their efforts to build sustainable peace in a deeply divided society can teach a great deal.

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