Isaac Marion
Author of New York Times Best Selling Novel “Warm Bodies”

T’wina Franklin
Director, University Place School District

Miriam Barnett
CEO, YWCA Pierce County

Mike Ferriter
Lieutenant General, United States Army (Retired)

Bil Moss
Former Tacoma City Councilmember

Kurt Beecher Dammeier
Founder, Beecher’s Handmade Cheese

Seth Kirby
Executive Director, Oasis Youth Center

Matt Levi
Director in Healthcare Administration and Innovation, Franciscan Health System

Christine Brandt
Principal, Jason Lee Middle School

Jagi Gill
Founder, Tenex Health

Logan Seelye
Author, “10 and 90: The Tackle That Changed Everything”

Jason Padgett
Author, Number Theorist and Mathematician