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Cost of Attendance

2023-24 Overview

The following are estimated costs to attend Pacific Lutheran University in the 2023-24 academic year for fall and spring semesters (including J-Term). Estimates assume undergraduate, full-time enrollment, based on the living arrangements listed below. Housing and food costs for the on & off campus living budgets assume a double occupancy room and meal plan B.

Graduate students should consult the website of their graduate program for their respective tuition rate.

For ABSN Program Costs, please click on the ABSN Program Costs tab under “Cost” to the left.

On & Off Campus Living

Type of CostEstimated Cost
Housing & Food*: $12,446
Wellness Access Plan*:$480
J-Term Fee*$432
Technology Fee*$260
Matriculation Fee*
(one time fee upon entrance to PLU)
Student Resource & Activity Fee*$40
Diversity, Justice & Sustainability Fee*:$20
Books & Supplies:$762

Living with Parents

Type of CostEstimated Cost
Housing & Food Allowance*:$3,820
Wellness Access Plan*:
J-Term Fee*:$432
Technology Fee*:$260
Matriculation Fee*:
(one time fee upon entrance to PLU)
Student Resource & Activity Fee*:$40
Diversity, Justice & Sustainability Fee*:$20
Books & Supplies:$762

*Will appear on university bill as PLU charges, including housing and food charges if living on campus.

Additional charges may be incurred for lab fees, private music lessons and ensembles, etc. Actual expenses for books and supplies will vary according to student’s class schedule and choice of either borrowing, renting, or purchasing new or used text books. Personal costs is an estimate and will vary by personal preferences and life style choices. The $705 transportation allowance is based on a monthly pass on Pierce Transit for nine months.

Estimate Your Cost

Use the Cost Estimator Worksheet to help calculate your owing/credit balance while attending PLU.

What information you will need for the Cost Estimator Worksheet:

  1. Review the Comprehensive Cost Breakdown below
  2. Your PLU Offer of Financial Aid (for current information go your BannerWeb)

Comprehensive Cost Breakdown

Semester/TermCredit HoursFull-TimeCost
Fall or Spring12-17Yes$24,736 per semester
Fall or Springmore than 17Yes$24,736 per semester + $1,546 per credit over 17
J-Term1-5$108 per credit
Per Credit Hour1-11No$1,546 per credit

For information and pricing on Summer Sessions, click on the button below.

Advanced Undergraduate International Pathway Program Tuition: $26,105

Standard Undergraduate International Pathway Program Tuition: $28,946

Graduate International Pathway Program Tuition: $3,750

The Nursing Program Fee for undergraduate students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program is $815 per semester for the 2023-24 academic year. This fee is not charged until students officially begin the BSN program.

These fees are charged in addition to tuition.

Credit HoursCost
2 or more$850

Adding a course(s) after the last day to add/drop date during a semester, is assessed a fee per transaction of $105.

Electronic Orders: $10

Mail Orders: $15

The technology fee is charged at $130 each semester. The Technology Fee helps provide all students access to electronic resources, technology support and enhancements across campus.

New students receive a free PLU ID card. To replace a lost, stolen or damaged ID card contact the Business Operations Office, Room 207 located in the Anderson University Center for the replacement fee.

Required for all students. For domestic students, the cost is $480 per academic year or $240 per semester.

For international students, the cost is $110 per academic year or $55 per semester.

Our Matriculation (Enrollment) Fee is a one-time fee that covers new-student enrollment and orientation costs.  It is assessed upon entry to PLU at $260 for all enrolled undergraduate students, $200 for graduate students.

Offers financial support for student driven projects that advance diversity, social justice and sustainability in any aspect of PLU Life. This fee cannot be waived. The fee is $10 per semester (fall/spring).

Offers financial support for student initiated activities through ASPLU that adds to the extracurricular life at PLU. The fee is $20 per semester (fall/spring).

Pass TypeCost per year
Resident/Commuter Students$60
South Hall Residents Only$150
Room TypeDesignationCost
Double RoomDesigned for 2 people$2,860
Single RoomDesigned for 1 person$3,575
Single/DoubleDesigned for 2 but contracted for 1$3,715
UDSingle/DoubleUpper Division$3,430

*Students who are eligible to live off-campus who contract for a single/double receive a reduced rate.

Although, there is no J-Term charge for students residing on campus for Fall and Spring semesters, students must cancel their J-Term housing if they are residing on campus for less than 7 days during J-Term. Students with active housing assignments for J-Term must have a Meal Plan. For J-Term room costs only contact the Department of Residential Life at 253-535-7200 or by email at

Room TypeCost
5 Bedroom Townhouse$3,560
2 Bedroom Townhouse$3,620
4 Bedroom Apartments$3,560
2 Bedroom Apartments$3,600
Studio A$3,720
Studio B$3,785
Studio C$3,895
Plan TypeCost
Meal Plan A3172

Meal Plan B
Meal Plan C2896
Meal Plan D2789
Meal Plan E624
Plan Type Cost
Meal Plan A742
Meal Plan B700
Meal Plan C669
Meal Plan D557
Meal Plan E192
Fall/Spring Tuition

  • 100% tuition refund if withdrawal occurs prior to the first day of class.
  • Refunds prorated on daily basis beginning the first day of class until 60% of the semester has elapsed.
  • Once 60% of semester has elapsed, no tuition refund.

Summer/J-Term Tuition

  • 100% refund if withdrawal occurs prior to and up to the last day to drop without a fee for term.
  • No refund if withdrawal occurs after the last day to add/drop without a fee for term.  If contemplating withdrawal during summer session or JTerm, please contact Student Financial Services to determine its potential impact on your student account, your status in regard to the satisfactory academic progress policy, and continued eligibility for financial assistance.

Summer/Fall/J-Term/Spring COURSE fees

  • 100% refund if withdrawal occurs prior to FIRST day of class
  • No refunds if withdrawal occurs on or after the FIRST day of class.

Summer/Fall/J-Term/Spring Housing and Meal Plans

  •  Housing refunds are prorated on a daily basis.
  • Meal Plan refunds are prorated on a daily basis.

PLEASE NOTE: Some Fees May Be Subject To Change