Auditions for Spotlight (faculty-directed) Productions
Auditions for our productions are open to all PLU students, regardless of major or experience. Students cast in productions may earn credits for their participation.
Students wishing to audition for our Spotlight (faculty-directed) season may do so at various times during the school year. Audition announcements, requirements and sign-ups are sent through the Theatre and Dance Sakai site. If you would like to be added to this site, please email Theatre and Dance Chair Professor Amanda Sweger.
Specific information about each production and its audition requirements may be found on the Sign-up link on the left-hand menu on the Theatre and Dance Sakai site.
In general, auditions for plays usually require a memorized 60-second monologue and musicals and musical revues usually require 32-bars of a song, preferably a song from a musical. Dance auditions usually require learning a combination at the audition or presenting a brief (30-60 second) solo.
If you have questions about our production auditions, please contact Department Chair Professor Amanda Sweger at

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