PLU Theatre focuses on Community in upcoming Godspell

With laughs and exuberance, PLU theatre performs Godspell, the musical based on the gospel according to St. Matthew. The story outlines the journey of Christ as he gathers his disciples and forms a community of faith. Godspell plays March 9, 10, 11, 17 and 18 at 7:30 p.m. and March 19 at 2 p.m at Pacific Lutheran University in the Studio Theater of the Karen Hille Phillips Center for the Performing Arts.
PLU’s production steers away from the biblical vision of the gospel and instead focuses on a story that centers around community, a central theme of PLU’s mission.
“When it came time to decide what elements of this musical we wanted to bring out, Jeff Clapp and I could think of no better way to connect with the people around us than to craft a show about community,” Co-director Jacob Viramontes ‘17 remarked. “There is no better time to do this play other than right now, specifically in this time of turbulence for our nation. This is a musical that teaches ‘love your neighbor’ regardless of their feelings towards you and tells a story of people who unite under a common goal despite their personal differences. That’s a pretty powerful story to tell right now.”
Viramontes is working as a student co-director alongside Theatre professor Jeff Clapp. He directed Romeo and Juliet earlier this season and Powerless in spring 2016.
“Being able to approach a production with a faculty member has given me an immeasurable amount of opportunities to learn from Jeff and grow my skills as a theatre practitioner,” Viramontes said. “As someone who has student directed my peers before on multiple occasions, I can honestly say I have never been a part of a production where I felt more comfortable as a director.”
Tickets are available online at Eventbrite, at the PLU Community Box Office 253-535-7411 and at the door. Students can get a free, first look at the March 9 performance as a student preview. Students receive free entry with valid student ID.
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