Dance celebrates Storytelling in their upcoming performance

By Helen Wilmot ’19 and Kate Williams, Outreach Manager
Dance 2018: Storytelling will feature PLU dancers in an inspiring collection of faculty, student, and guest artist choreography, revealing fresh perspectives and diverse artistry, directed by Visiting Assistant Professor, Rachel Winchester.
Storytelling runs April 20 and 21 at 7:30 pm in the Eastvold Auditorium of Karen Hille Phillips Center for the Performing Arts. Tickets are available online on Eventbrite. $10 – General admission; $5 – 60+, military, alumni and students; free – 18 and younger.
Each year, about 40-50 students participate in the spring dance concert. Allison Zakharov, a Kinesiology major and Dance minor, is one of the many talented student artists participating in this spring’s performance. She is performing in her own choreographed piece, as well as the faculty and guest artist piece.
“Transitioning from a performer to a choreographer has been such an eye opening experience, and it brings me so much joy to see my work come to life. The PLU Dance program has given students so many opportunities to dance, create, step away from stress and have fun!”
In addition to student choreographers, Dance 2018: Storytelling will also feature two guest artists.
Darion Smith is this year’s guest program choreographer. Smith studied at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen, Germany and at the Bolshoi Academy in Moscow, Russia. He has performed at the Harlem, Metropolitan Opera Ballet, Buglisi Dance Theatre, and New York Theatre Ballet. In Dance 2018: Storytelling, Smith creates a zany ride through rigorous physical play and personal connections between the case and their subject manner. Another guest screendance artist featured in the show is Faith Morrison with her film, Enzō. Both guest artists taught workshops to PLU students during their brief residencies.
PLU’s Dance program traveled nationally to perform pieces showcased in Dance 2018: Storytelling. Allison Zakharov, Sade Moffett, Amanda Enz, and Ivory Turner represented PLU and performed the guest artist piece at the American College Dance Association Northwest Conference at the University of Boulder, Colorado during spring break.
Rachel Winchester’s faculty repertory choreography piece entitled, GIRL POOL (an adaptation), a piece loosely based on a short story by Kurt Vonnegut, won the Northwest ACDA conference in 2014 and was honored at the national conference level through selection and performance at the Kennedy Center in Washington DC. The six PLU students who will perform GIRL POOL in the upcoming Dance 2018: Storytelling performance make up the fourth cast of dancers in the history of the dance piece.
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