How To Make A Report

Any student, faculty, or staff member who has observed, become aware of, or feels they have been impacted by sex discrimination, sexual harassment, or other sexual misconduct (also referred to as Prohibited Conduct) should contact the University Title IX Coordinator. Mandatory Reporters are required to contact the Title IX Coordinator with any information regarding conduct that reasonably may constitute sex discrimination. If you are unsure, report it.

The Title IX Coordinator will review all reports of sexual misconduct and make a determination if the conduct meets the criteria set forth by the Title IX regulations. It is not the responsibility of the reporter to assess or define the conduct being reported. 

When reporting, community members are asked to provide as much information as possible: Name of those impacted, name of the alleged,  time and date of the incident, location, and a description of the incident of concern. Note: Impacted Parties can remain anonymous, however, the Title IX office will only be able to act on as much information as is given.

Students may report Prohibited Conduct in several ways:

Submit a report online: anyone is able to electronically submit a report via the online Incident Reporting Form. 

Contact the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Coordinators via email or phone

    • Jennifer Childress-White, Title IX Coordinator (,, or 253.535.7361)
    • Eva Frey, Deputy Title IX Coordinator / Dean of Students (, or 253.535.7159)
    • Gretchen Howell, Deputy Title IX Coordinator / Director of Human Resource (, or 253.535.7329)

Submit a report via mail to Pacific Lutheran University at:
Title IX Coordinator, Pacific Lutheran University, 12180 Park Avenue S, Tacoma, WA 98447 

Law enforcement: Students may make a report directly to local law enforcement officials by calling 911, or through contacting Campus Safety at 252-535-7911 , who can assist students in filing a report with local law enforcement

Important: With the exception of staff who are identified as confidential resources because of their licensure, all employees, including students who are Resident Assistants and Campus Safety staff, are considered Mandatory Reporters for all incidents related to Prohibited Conduct and will file a report when information is shared with them alleging potential Prohibited Conduct. 


Staff and Faculty may report Prohibited Conduct by contacting:

Reports can be filed with any of the following:

There is no time limit on making a complaint, but prompt reporting is encouraged in order to provide the impacted party support, as well as obtain appropriate evidence and information.

All of the above entities are considered private sources. This means the offices will keep the information as private as possible, but certain procedures will need to be followed once reported.