Title IX Resources – If you are in immediate danger, call 911.
Pacific Lutheran University has made a commitment to preventing and eliminating sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual misconduct from occurring within our working and learning environments. The process is ongoing, and it is every community member’s responsibility to report concerning conduct. Working together, we can maintain a respectful and healthy university community.
When sex discrimination or sexual harassment does occur, there are a number of resources available to members of the campus community.
Emergency Response Resources:
Campus Safety
Martin J. Neeb Center -1st Floor
253-535-7911 from cell phones
9-911 from campus phones
253-535-7441 non emergency
Pierce County Sheriff’s Department
Emergency: 911
Non-emergency: 253-798-4721 (#1)
Multicare Good Samaritan Emergency Parkland
14815 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, WA 98444
Telephone: 253-697-8660
Confidential Resources
Incidents Not Reported To University Authorities Without Permission
Should an individual not be prepared to make a report, but is seeking information and a confidential resource, there are several options available:
PLU Advocacy Services – Confidential
- Website: https://www.plu.edu/diversity-justice-sustainability/advocacy-services/
- Telephone: 253-535-8204
- Office: AUC 156 (Inside the Center for Diversity, Justice, and Sustainability)
Provides a safe, private place for individuals who have questions or concerns about sexual assault, stalking, intimate partner violence/domestic violence, and other related experiences
Helps explain options and connect individuals to resources
Assists in making formal complaints if the individual decides to do so
PLU TimelyCare Services – Confidential
- Website: TimelyCare Login
TimelyCare provides no cost, on-demand access to licensed mental health providers, nurse practitioners, and related services
PLU Counseling Services – Confidential
- Website: https://www.plu.edu/chws/counseling/
- Email: chws@plu.edu
- Telephone: 253-535-7206
- TimelyCare Talk Now feature
- Office: University Center 300
Provides individual counseling and selected psychiatric services to PLU students
Trained to deal compassionately with issues of sexual victimization and abuse
The staff may be required to disclose information that poses imminent danger to an individual’s health or safety
PLU Campus Ministry – Confidential
- Website: https://www.plu.edu/campus-ministry/
- Email: cmin@plu.edu
- University Pastor: rudejl@plu.edu
- Telephone: 253-535-7464
- Office: University Center
Provides confidential emotional and spiritual support to the PLU community
Trained to deal with issues of sexual victimization and abuse
Can help survivors process their feelings and connect with additional sources of support
PLU Student Health Services – Confidential
- Website: https://www.plu.edu/chws/health/
- Email: health@plu.edu
- Telephone: 253-535-7337
- Office: 121st and Park Avenue
Provides limited medical services to PLU students
Additional Resources Available to All PLU Employees & Students
Pierce County Sexual Assault Center
723 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Tacoma, WA 98405
253-474-7273 | 1-855-757-7273
24-hour crisis line provides immediate assistance information and emotional support
No cost medical and legal advocacy
Pierce County Domestic Violence Helpline
718 Court E, Tacoma 98402
253-798-4166 | 800-764-2420
Free and confidential services
Access to support groups and counseling
Emergency housing information and referrals
Advocacy for victims of crime serving the LGBTQA + community
Oasis is a drop-in support center for queer and questioning youth
Additional Campus Employee Resources
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Free and confidential problem assessment and referral services
Available to employees, their spouses or partners, and children up to age 26
Helpline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week