Frequently Asked Questions
What is the UDRC?
The University Dispute Resolution Committee (UDRC) is charged with reducing conflicts and helping members of the community resolve disputes appropriately, expediently and fairly. The committee does so by educating the community about campus policies and dispute resolution options; coordinating dispute resolution services; investigating grievances when appropriate and advocating for review of university policies and procedures when necessary.
Who are the members of UDRC?
The committee is made up of members of Pacific Lutheran’s Community and appointed by the President. A list of members and their contact information is available on the UDRC Members Page.
Who has access to the assistance of PLU's UDRC?
The UDRC is available for all members of the P.L.U. community regarding disputes that affect any member of the University’s faculty, staff and/or students.
How does one contact the UDRC?
The most direct way is to e-mail the committee.
What kind of disputes does the UDRC handle?
The UDRC may assist any faculty administrator, staff or student who needs consultation or referral to resolve an on-campus conflict, or who desires conflict resolution services. The UDRC also processes all formal grievances as allowed by the University’s Grievance Policy, with some exceptions (please refer to Grievance Policy and Procedures). The UDRC does NOT handle disputes regarding employee’s termination. The UDRC does NOT handle grade disputes. Please contact the department to which the grade dispute regards.
When is it appropriate to contact the UDRC?
The university encourages community members to resolve their disputes at the earliest and most informal level (i.e. by talking directly with the individual(s) involved; through facilitated conversation and/or through conflict mediation). When informal resolution is not possible, every member of the university community, whether faculty, student, administrator or staff, has the right to file a grievance and access the grievance procedures established by the UDRC. Grievances may be initiated by contacting any member of the Committee. Grievances first reported elsewhere in the community should be referred to the Committee for resolution, except for grievances that arise under the faculty constitution and by-laws or under the Student Conduct System.
How many formal complaints does the UDRC handle per year?
The number of formal complaints per year are usually less than one. The majority of the time throughout the year is not spent on formal grievances. The UDRC is more focused on the informal grievances.
What are some further sources to refer to regarding conflict resolution and mediation?
Bibliographies for Mediation Tips:
Dunlop, John T. & Zack, Arnold M. (1997) Mediation and Arbitration of Employment Disputes. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
Fisher, Roger and Ury, William (1981) Getting to Yes: Negotiating an Agreement Without Giving In. Boston: Houghton Mifflin
Ury, William (1991) Getting Past No: Negotiating Your Way from Confrontation to Cooperation. New York: Bantam Books.
What is the process for filing a complaint if I am an out-of-state student taking an online class?
Out-of-state students enrolled in distance education courses under SARA have the opportunity to submit a complaint to the Washington Student Achievement Council once the institution’s complaint resolution process has been exhausted. The Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) has authority to investigate student complaints against specific schools. WSAC may not be able to investigate every student complaint. Visit for information regarding the WSAC complaint process.