Faculty & Staff Resources
Thank you for partnering to ensure success for PLU’s Undocumented Students! Below are resources for faculty and staff working with Undocumented Students.
An undocumented student has disclosed their status to you and is seeking advise. What do you do next?
First, thank the student for sharing their personal information of their immigration status with you and your commitment to get them connected to resources they need.
Then, utilize the Undocumented Student Resource website with the student to connect them directly with resources and tips. If you are unable to find an answer to a specific question, email (or invite the student to email) undocu@plu.edu where a member of the Center for DJS will respond.
Lastly, please encourage them to connect with the Center for Diversity, Justice, & Sustainability and Gold Group community for ongoing support and engagement opportunities.
The Lute Library seeks to build a library of current course materials to increase student accessibility to learning materials through the Library’s Course Reserves system. Together, the Center for DJS & PLU Library work together to maintain a robust Lute Library & Course Reserve.
Course materials in the Lute Library & Course Reserves are available for a few hours at a time in the case of textbooks and videos, or for an entire semester in the case of clickers. Students can search for materials here.
- Check here. to see if your course materials are already available in the library.
- If they are, they will be automatically added to the Lute Library / Course Reserves.
- If they are not, we invite you to add a copy to the reserves for students to use throughout the term through the Course Reserves form. The default loan period is 2 hours but can be increased to a maximum of 24 hours upon request. These can be dropped off at the front desk of the library or sent to Scott Sills via campus mail.
- If your class is large and you own additional copies of your course materials that you no longer need, please consider donating or adding them for the semester to the Library.
Textbook Drive
Each semester the library hosts a textbook drive inviting campus to donate their textbooks to the Lute Library & Course Reserves for future student use. Textbook drop off locations will be in Rieke, the Library, and outside of the Center for DJS during Dead Week and Finals.
We encourage faculty to consider including language in their syllabus and on their Sakai site that informs students of the resources available.
Support for Undocumented students
Our mission of care, rooted deeply in our Lutheran heritage, requires action and an unequivocal commitment to fight for social justice. This page listing various resources for DACA and undocumented students – including those related to housing, legal issues, financial aid, and study away – is just one aspect of PLU’s ongoing commitment to supporting our undocumented students.
Lute Library & Course Reserves
Copies of the course texts are also available for you to borrow for ___ [faculty determine how long students can check out reserved materials] hours at a time via the Lute Library Reserves System. This system, part of Mortvedt Library’s Course Reserves system is located on the Library’s main floor at the Circulation Desk. If the materials you need are not currently available under Course Reserves, please contact me so that I can work to either have that item integrated into the Lute Library or so we can try to find another solution, if possible.
READ: Immigrants Rising has a collection of valuable guides and resources connected to supporting undocumented students
TRAINING: If you are interested in trainings for yourself and/or the PLU campus community, please email undocu@plu.edu for more information.
FOLLOW: Staying up to date with immigrant rights can be challenging in this quickly moving world. Here are a few that we follow for information:
For questions regarding the Gold Group, resources for undocumented students, future training sessions, or donations to the PLU4US Campaign, please connect with us at undocu@plu.edu.