GLST 287, Fall 2020
COVID 19: A Global Crisis Examined
A One-Credit/No-Credit Online Course on COVID-19 for PLU Students, Alumni, Faculty, Staff and Community Members
Pacific Lutheran University is pleased to offer this online one-credit/no-credit course as an opportunity to examine, and reflect upon, the COVID-19 pandemic, a current event that continues to upend our lives and the lives of many in our communities and across the globe. Over the course of the fall semester, PLU faculty will explore the pandemic phenomenon through the lens of diverse disciplinary fields. These include: Biology, Global Studies, History, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Native American and Indigenous Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religion, Literature and the Arts. The course also includes a panel of PLU alumni in the health and care professions that have been invited to reflect on their experience of the crisis from the vantage point as practitioners. The course is coordinated by PLU’s Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education and co-facilitated by Dr. Teresa Ciabattari, Interim Dean of Interdisciplinary Studies, and Dr. Tamara R. Williams, Executive Director for the Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education.
See below for registration information.
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
- Identify and describe at least three distinct disciplinary approaches to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Understand and explain divergent viewpoints on the pandemic, critically assess the support available for each, and defend one’s own judgments
- Identify social challenges posed by the pandemic and seek constructive strategies to understand them
The Science of COVID 19 Part I: The What, Where, and How of Coronaviruses
Dr. Evan Eskew, Assistant Professor of Biology
Dr. Shannon Seidel, Assistant Professor of Biology
Lecture Description: This lecture seeks to explore our current scientific understanding of the causative agent of the COVID-19 pandemic: a newly-described coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. First, we will discuss the fundamental biology of viruses, focusing on how the physical structure of a virus contributes to its function. Next, we will consider where SARS-CoV-2 “came from,” thereby introducing the concept of zoonotic diseases and highlighting the various activities that can result in viral spillover into humans. Finally, we will examine the variety of biological and environmental effects that contribute to viral spread in human populations. Collectively, these lecture topics will provide a broad introduction to the science of the COVID-19 crisis while emphasizing the complex interplay among virus, host, and environmental factors that drive disease emergence and spread.
The Science of COVID-19 Part II: Testing and Vaccine Development
Dr. Mary Ellard-Ivey, Professor of Biology
Lecture Description:Testing for and vaccination against the virus, SARS-CoV-2, is a linchpin in the successful management of the Global Pandemic. The scientific principles behind methods of testing will be presented, with a discussion of accuracy and access issues. A brief history of vaccine discovery will be presented and the unique features of candidate vaccines currently in development will be described as well as a reflection on the equitable allocation of a Covid-19 Vaccine.
Reflections from PLU Alumni Panel: Perspectives from the Field of Emergency Medicine
- Dr. Brian Beerbower ’10, MD, MultiCare Tacoma General Hospital
- Unseen Morbidity from the COVID-19 Pandemic and Response
- Hon. Nathan Schlicher ’00, MD, JD, MBA, FACEP, Regional Director, Quality Assurance Northwest Emergency Physicians of Team Health; Associate Director, Team Health Litigation Support Department
- Science and Politics at War: A COVID Case Study
Moderated by Dr. Sergia Hay, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Wild Hope Center
Christian Responses to Plagues and Public Health: Two Perspectives from the History of Religion
Dr. Brenda Llewellyn Ihssen, Associate Professor of Early and Medieval Christian History
Lecture Description: Through the discipline of religious history, this lecture the responses of two Christian bishops to a third-century Ebola-like plague and a sixth-century bubonic plague. Through primary texts we will explore how these events shaped theological views and social activity of bishops Cyprian of Carthage (North Africa, d. 258 ce) and John of Ephesus (Syria, c. 588 ce) and how their responses contributed to the formation of distinct theological reflection on public health crises. This lecture will consider how religion and/or religious beliefs inform responses to disease or fear of disease (including self-care and the role of the arts); what can we learn from historic, religious responses to disease to better prepare us to respond to disease itself, to the spread of disease or fear of the spread of disease; how each of the bishops cast plague in social and anthropomorphic terms and how two public health crises introduced specific economic and social injustices in North Africa and Syria.
What Can the K’iche’ Creation Stories Teach Us About How to Live with the Existence of Plagues and Disease?
Dr. Carmiña Palerm, Associate Professor of Hispanic and Latino Studies and Affiliate Faculty of Native American and Indigenous Studies Program
Lecture Description: For thousands of years, the New World’s original inhabitants have been telling stories about how the world began. Among other things, these indigenous creation stories have helped those who tell and listen to them come to terms with basic features of existence – including the existence of disease, plagues, and death, before and after contact with Europeans. This class will center on the K’iche’ creation account The Popol Vuh, where the defeat of the gods of the underworld by the heroic twins (in collaboration with animals and insects), represents the K’iche’s triumph over disease and plague. We will explore, through various critical literary lenses, how disease, illness and death are represented in these stories, which articulate the K’iche’ cosmogony and their relationship to nature. In our class, we will explore what these ancient stories about epidemics, survival and resilience can teach us about how to come to terms with features of existence like the COVID-19 virus.
Epidemics and Indian Country: COVID and Colonialism
Dr. Suzanne Crawford-O’Brien, Professor of Religion and Chair of Native and Indigenous Studies
Lecture Description: A recent Instagram post by the Quileute Nation read: “The Quileute Reservation at La Push, WA is closed to all visitors. Once it is deemed safe to reopen again, we welcome all visitors back to our lands. Except the Cullens.” The last phrase is of course a reference to the popular Twilight book series, but the statement as a whole is telling, and reflects similar decisions by tribal communities across the nation to close their borders to non-tribal members, and so protect themselves against the spread of Covid-19. This lecture discusses the disproportionate economic and epidemiological impact that the pandemic is having in many parts of Native North America, considering the significance of this present moment in light of a centuries-long history of colonialism, epidemic disease, and contemporary efforts to reclaim tribal sovereignty and control over healthcare.
Ethical Decision Making During a Pandemic
Dr. Sergia Hay, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Wild Hope Center
Dr. Paul Menzel, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
Lecture Description: What are ethically justified answers to the tension between individual freedom and public health in mask wearing, following stay-at-home orders, using challenge trials to speed up vaccine trials, and vaccine compliance? This session will focus on these specific issues after noting some of the other ethical tensions in the current pandemic – between limited resources and dire need, and patient will and the need for caregivers to act without clearly discerning what that will is. The frameworks of ethical reasoning provided by two influential moral theories often yield conflicting conclusions on specific issues. On these pandemic issues, do the conclusions they yield conflict or align? In any case, how persuasive are they?
Cooperating to Control COVID: Global Governance and the Role of the World Health Organization
Dr. Ami Shah, Associate Professor of Global Studies and Anthropology
Lecture Description: The United States has turned away from the World Health Organization (WHO) in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. What are the implications of this move? At the time of writing, the United States leads the world in the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases. This lecture addresses the question “What is the role of global cooperation, particularly through the World Health Organization (WHO), in responding to COVID-19?” Drawing from the disciplines of international relations and development studies, the lecture will: 1. Introduce concepts regarding global governance and cooperation; 2. Explain what the WHO is and its varied responses (and results) in response to COVID-19 and other disease outbreaks (i.e., the 2014 Ebola outbreak); and 3. Explore the possibilities and complications that arise through global cooperation in times of crisis, especially in the context of global inequalities.
It’s Like Herding Chickens: Social Psychology and the Understanding of Non-compliance with Pandemic Health-Directives
Dr. Michelle Ceynar, Professor of Psychology
Dr. Corey Cook, Assistant Professor of Psychology
Lecture Description: Why is it so difficult to get people, particularly Americans, to follow health directives? This lecture will apply core lessons from Social Psychology such as persuasion, compliance, social identity and prejudice to help understand why people fail to comply with seemingly simple pandemic health directives such as social distancing and wearing masks.
Going Viral: Ethics in the Use of Social Media During the Pandemic
Dr. Michael Artime, Assistant Professor and Chair of Political Science
Lecture Description: We will explore the dangers of spreading misinformation and disinformation that could potentially endanger individuals during the pandemic. Likewise, we will discuss ways of engaging ethically on social media platforms so as to prevent the dissemination of false or misleading information. Finally, we will talk about whether there are ways that social media platforms can be used productively in an effort to prevent the transmission of the COVID-19 virus.
Anne Frank Trending: The Covid-19 Pandemic and Holocaust Analogy
Dr. Lisa Marcus, Professor of English and Chair, Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Lecture Description: As the Covid-19 pandemic unfolded last spring, twitter buzzed with references to Anne Frank, like this one: “Anne Frank remained in quarantine for 761 days without Netflix, ps4, half of Walmart and 36.567 roles [sic] of toilet paper remain calm people we will win this #coronavirus epidemic take a example of her resilience and stay strong and calm.” (This was followed by prayer and heart emojis). Using an interdisciplinary lens as a scholar of literature and Holocaust Studies, I will explore the uses and misuses of Anne Frank during the global pandemic. I happened to be teaching a course on Anne Frank as a Holocaust icon during Spring, 2020, and my class and I followed closely as Anne Frank trended on Twitter, while memes proliferated equating quarantine life with Anne’s years of hiding from the Nazis during the Holocaust. My students and I collected many references to Anne Frank in platforms from journalism to pop culture. The lecture will track these references and contextualize the use of Holocaust analogies to make meaning during times of crisis. By tracking tweets, memes, and articles admonishing teens to keep Covid-19 diaries, I will encourage students to think critically about the appropriation of Anne Frank’s story and Holocaust history to analogize contemporary experience. We will also consider the value of diary writing as a social practice to make sense of a world in crisis.
Theatre During COVID-19: How will the Story Be Told?
Tom Smith, Professor of Theater and Chair of the Department of Theatre & Dance
Lecture Description: What happens to the arts when they simply stop? How do theatre artists discover and define new ways to perform during a pandemic and what does the future of theatre hold? These questions and more will be explored as we examine the financial and emotional impact of closing of Broadway and West End productions, how livestream and recorded productions have filled a need for theatre and how playwrights and theatre artists are currently responding in an industry that is frozen. We will also discuss the probable outcomes of this time, including permanent closing of theatres and the impact on the economy and on communities. Finally, we will discuss the intersection of Black Lives Matter and COVID-19 and the changes in casting and play selection both have demanded.
Art in the Times of COVID-19: Depicting Pain, Restoring Hope
Dr. Giovanna Urdangarain, Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies
Lecture Description:
“At what point does solitude cease to be a refuge from society?”
Curator Brittany Corrales, ASU Art Museum (2014)
From documenting gruesome pain to reinventing the ways in which we connect with others in the face of stay-at-home recommendations or quarantine orders across the globe, the world has seen innumerable artistic projects flourish in 2020. How have defining aspects of art, such as imitation of reality, expression of emotions, and form, responded to the ongoing pandemic? What kind of beauty—if any—has art created in times of disease? What does humanness look like in these recent artistic collaborations? Departing from a brief historical view of art as a way to chronicle plagues and other catastrophes, this session will look specifically at four examples across global film and theatre, Latin-American photography, and Mexican storytelling that invite us to reflect on art in its potential to heal and on its commitment to social justice.
Dr. Michael Artime, Assistant Professor and Chair of Political Science
Michael Artime is Assistant Professor & Chair of the Department of Political Science. He has a Ph.D. from the University of Missouri-St. Louis in Political Science. His research has focused on the challenges and opportunities associated with communication in the landscape of new media technologies. In particular, he has explored the discourse that takes place on online comment sections and the ways in which we relate to each other in online spaces.
Dr. Brian Beerbower '10, MD, MultiCare Tacoma General Hospital
I graduated from Pacific Lutheran University in 2010 with a major in Biology and minor in Chemistry. I spent time at PLU with research in Seattle at the Seattle Biomedical Research Institute as well as with undergraduate research in Dr. Auman’s lab studying tree canopy microbiomes. Upon graduation, I moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to attend The Medical College of Wisconsin and completed my studies in 2014. From there, I attended residency at the University of Massachusetts in Worcester, MA. I served as chief resident in my final year primarily overseeing new physicians and leading the Emergency Medicine elective experience for physicians from other specialties. I have been working as an attending physician with Tacoma Emergency Care Physicians (TECP) since 2017 working in the Emergency Departments of Allenmore Hospital, Tacoma General Hospital, and Covington Medical Center. I have served as Assistant Medical Director for Allenmore Emergency Department and up until this month have been the Medical Director for Trauma Services at Allenmore Hospital and served as committee chairman for the West Region Trauma Quality Improvement Forum for the past one year. I am currently taking a step away from administrative duties to focus on my family and to help out on my family ranch in Elma, WA.
Dr. Michelle L. Ceynar, Professor of Psychology
Dr. Ceynar earned her BA in Psychology from the University of Northern Colorado and her Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the University of Montana. This will be her 20th year teaching in the Psychology Department at PLU. She most often teaches Introductory Psychology, Social Psychology and Psychology of Women. Her research relates to how gendered role expectations impact the experiences of women and men. Her most recent publication was titled, “Dancing Backwards in High Heels: The Extra Burdens of Female Professors in the Form of Greater Student Demands.”
Dr. Corey L. Cook, Assistant Professor of Psychology
Dr. Cook teaches research methods and statistics in the PLU Psychology Department (and sometimes teaches fun courses like Psychology of Good and Evil and Psychology of Belief). He earned his BS in Psychology from Arizona State University and his PhD in Social Psychology from University of Florida. His research explores the influence of beliefs and threat perceptions on intergroup prejudices. His recent work explores threats associated with masculinity and femininity. His other research interests include morality/value systems, evolutionary psychology, and “alternative” belief systems.
Dr. Suzanne Crawford O’Brien, Professor of Religion, Chair of Native American and Indigenous Studies
See Dr. Crawford O’Brien’s profile
Suzanne Crawford O’Brien is Professor of Religion and Culture and chair of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Program. Her publications include Religion and Healing in Native America: Pathways for Renewal (Praeger 2008), Coming Full Circle: Spirituality and Wellness Among Native Communities in the Pacific Northwest (University of Nebraska, 2014), and Religion and Culture in Native America (Rowman and Littlefield, 2020).
Dr. Mary Ellard-Ivey, Professor of Biology
Dr. Mary Ellard-Ivey is a Professor of Biology at Pacific Lutheran University. She received her undergraduate degree in molecular biology and biochemistry from University College Dublin, Ireland. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia, Canada, in plant molecular biology. While her laboratory research experience is on plant responses to abiotic stress and pathogens, she has broad interests in biotechnology. In the Biology Department, she teaches classes in genetics, molecular biology, and genomics and has been actively involved in interdisciplinary programs at PLU.
Dr. Evan Eskew, Assistant Professor of Biology
See Dr. Eskew’s profile
Evan Eskew is an Assistant Professor new to the Department of Biology. He comes to PLU with postdoctoral experience at EcoHealth Alliance, a research non-profit organization focused on emerging infectious diseases, and Rutgers University. His research interests include wildlife disease and the conservation implications of the global wildlife trade. He is also a member of the Viral Emergence Research Initiative (viralemergence.org), a collaborative team working to predict wildlife viruses that could ultimately affect humans.
Dr. Sergia Hay, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Wild Hope Center
Sergia Hay, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Wild Hope Center for Vocation, has taught at PLU since 2011. She teaches courses in applied ethics (biomedical ethics, environmental ethics, and business ethics) and the history of philosophy. Her book, Ethical Silence: Kierkegaard on Communication, Education, and Humility, will be published by Lexington Books this year.
Dr. Brenda Llewellyn Ihssen, Associate Professor of Early and Medieval Christian History
See Dr. Llewellyn Ihssen’s profile
Brenda Llewellyn Ihssen is Associate Professor of Early and Medieval Christian History at Pacific Lutheran University (USA). Her scholarship explores healthcare, dying, death, dead bodies and burials in early monastic and Byzantine literature, and the roles of pain and suffering as a form of religious identity construction in martyr accounts. Additionally, she has published articles on teaching religion and healthcare, Universal Design and ability/disability identity in the classroom. She is the author of John Moschos’ Spiritual Meadow: Authority and Autonomy at the End of the Antique World (Ashgate Publishing, Surrey, UK. ISBN: 978-1409435167. 2014) and “They Who Give From Evil”; the Response of the Eastern Church to Moneylending in the Early Christian Era (Wipf and Stock. ISBN: 978-0227173985. 2012).
Dr. Lisa Marcus, Professor of English, Chair of Holocaust and Genocide Studies Program
Lisa Marcus is Professor of English and Chair of the Holocaust and Genocide Studies Program. She earned her PhD from Rutgers University, where she completed a dissertation on race, blood, and kindred in American narrative. Fall 2020 marks her 25th year at PLU. She teaches several Holocaust-focused courses, including most recently a literature class on Anne Frank as a Holocaust icon, and a seminar on trauma, memory, and memorialization in contemporary American post-slavery and post-Holocaust narrative. Among her recent publications are an essay on the Jewish American Girl doll and a poem, “I did not lose my father at Auschwitz.” Ongoing projects include Finding Zlata Jampolski, which links her grandmother’s immigration story to the Jewish American texts she studies, and “Please don’t let this be the ending”: Paula Vogel’s Indecent and LGBT Holocaust history.”
Dr. Paul Menzel, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
Paul Menzel, Professor of Philosophy emeritus, taught at PLU until his retirement in 2012. He has published widely on moral questions in health economics and health policy, including Prevention vs. Treatment: What’s the Right Balance? He is currently a working member of several national projects in biomedical ethics and publishes frequently on various end-of-life issues.
Dr. Carmiña Palerm, Associate Professor of Hispanic and Latino Studies and Affiliate Faculty of Native American and Indigenous Studies Program
Carmiña Palerm, Associate Professor of Hispanic and Latino Studies, has taught at PLU since 2005. She teaches Spanish language courses at all levels as well as Iberian and Latinx literature and cultural productions. She also teaches courses in the Native American and Indigenous Studies Program and the International Honors Program (which she directed from 2010-2019). Her research focus is the use of space as metaphor in narrative fiction and the literary representation of (im)migrations. Currently, she is working on a book project entitled Aesthetic Transformations of Immigrant Experience in Contemporary Spain.
Hon. Nathan Schlicher, MD, JD, MBA, FACEP
Dr. Nathan Schlicher currently works at St. Joseph’s Medical Center, and lives in Gig Harbor with his wife Dr. Jessica Schlicher, and their three children (David, Juliette, and Henry). He serves as the Regional Director of Quality Assurance for the emergency departments of the Franciscan Health System and the Associate Director of the TeamHealth Litigation Support Department. He attended Law School and then Medical School at the University of Washington before completing an EM residency at Wright State in Dayton Ohio with board certification in Emergency Medicine. He recently completed his Masters in Business Administration with an emphasis in Health Care.
As Legislative Affairs Chairman of the Washington State Chapter of Emergency Physicians, Nathan spearheaded the “ER for Emergencies” program to replace the State’s plan to deny ER services to Medicaid Patients. Nathan’s leadership in this effort will lead the state to save $31 million per year by making better health care. He created and has edited five editions of a textbook on the importance of advocacy by physicians, “The Emergency Medicine Advocacy Handbook.” He currently serves as the President-Elect of the Washington State Medical Association and is a Past President of the Washington Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians. He has previously served as the Legislative Advisor on the Board of Directors of the Emergency Medicine Residents’ Association. He also spent a year in the Washington State Senate, representing the 26th District, where he continued his work on health care advocacy. He continues to work with interested parties on health policy topics including renewed focus on the opiate and mental health crises affecting the state.
Nathan and his wife are deeply involved in the community. They have served as foster parents and run a Free Clinic on the peninsula. Nathan is serving as the Capital Campaign Chair for the Olympic College’s next campaign and is an active Rotarian. Currently serving as the President- Elect of the WSMA, he is leading the statewide Better Prescribing Better Treatment Program that in its second year has seen compliance with acute prescribing guidelines improve by almost 70%. In his spare time, his wife and he are amateur triathletes, love skiing, coaching their kid’s soccer teams, and relaxing in the mountains.
He has been recognized for his leadership multiple times including the Catholic Health Association’s Tomorrow’s Leader Award, Puget Sound Business Journal’s 40 under 40, South Sound Business Journal’s 40 under 40 Award, Washington State Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians Guardian of Emergency Medicine Award, Pacific Lutheran University Outstanding Recent Alumni Award, the American Medical Associations Leadership in Excellence Award, the American College of Emergency Physicians’ Collin C. Rorrie Jr Award for Excellence in Health Policy, and the WSMA’s William O. Robertson Patient Safety Award.
Dr. Shannon Seidel, Assistant Professor of Biology
Dr. Seidel earned her Ph.D. from the University of California San Diego studying HIV and the host cell factors this virus uses to replicate in host cells. She then completed postdoctoral training in biology education research at San Francisco State University before joining the Biology Department at PLU. Her research focuses on Instructor Talk, the non-content language used by instructors to shape the classroom environment. She regularly teaches virology, introductory biology, microbiology, and the science education partnership – a service learning partnership between PLU science students at K-12 teachers in local districts.
Dr. Ami Shah, Associate Professor of Global Studies and Anthropology
Dr. Ami V. Shah is Associate Professor of Global Studies and Anthropology at PLU. She holds a DPhil and MPhil in Development Studies from the University of Oxford and a BA in International Affairs (International Politics and International Economics) from George Washington University. Her current research focuses on representations of the developing world in the humanitarian industry and decolonial approaches to international studies and pedagogy. Previously, Dr. Shah conducted research on urban change and identity in Nigeria and India. At PLU, she teaches courses focused on contemporary global issues, global development, and international relations for Global Studies, Anthropology, Political Science, and the International Honors Program.
Tom Smith, Chair, Department of Theatre & Dance and Professor of Theatre
Professor Tom Smith is the chair of Theatre and Dance. He is an accomplished playwright, with his work being produced in 17 countries and translated into eight languages. His areas of scholarship include improvisation, playwriting, and directing. He is a member of Dramatists Guild and Stage Directors and Choreographers Society.
Dr. Giovanna Urdangarain, Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies
Originally from Uruguay, Dr. Urdangarain joined PLU in 2008 after completing her Ph.D. in Hispanic Literature at Indiana University. In Hispanic Studies, she teaches courses in literature, film, Spanish language, and Latin American culture; she also teaches courses in the Gender, Sexuality and Race Studies program. Her research centers on representations of violence in the literature and film of the Southern Cone, including issues of sexual violence, torture, and the limitations of language in conveying pain. She is currently working with Division of Humanities colleague Dr. Kaufman in a project involving Holocaust survivors and relatives living in Uruguay.
- This course will use Zoom as its virtual platform for weekly lectures and discussion. Additionally, students taking the course for credit will use SAKAI for accessing course materials and submitting assignments. A Zoom link and a password to the course will be made available to registered participants 24 hours in advance of the lecture.
- Online synchronous lectures followed by Q & A session will take place weekly, on Wednesday evenings, from 6:00-7:05 p.m. for all registered participants.
- Recordings of the course lectures will be posted to the course’s YouTube channel for asynchronous viewing on the Thursday afternoon following the livestreamed lecture.
- Selected lecture-related readings will be posted to SAKAI and the course website in advance of the lecture, and no later than Friday mornings.
- Weekly course assignments for registered PLU students will be due via SAKAI on TBD.
- Office hours with the Instructor of Record (Tamara R. Williams): TBD
- Optional “Meet the Profs” Sessions TBD.
As noted above, GLST 287 is open to the entire PLU community. This includes new and current students, prospective students, family members, alumni, and area residents. To register, review the options below to make your registration selection:
Current Students (1 Credit)
* If you are registered at PLU for the Fall 2020 semester and intend to receive one PLU credit for this course, register in Banner:
PLU Faculty, Staff and Students (Not Registering for Credit)
*If you are PLU faculty, staff, or a current student (Taking the course for No-Credit) register below:
Alumni & Community
*If you are an alumnus or a member of the extended PLU community locally and abroad, including a family member of a current student or an area resident, register below:
Course registration cost is $130, $100 for alumni (Reach out to alumni@plu.edu or see the Alumni newsletter for the discount code)
Working collaboratively with academic units and disciplines of Pacific Lutheran University, the Wang Center is dedicated to supporting faculty, students and staff with the resources necessary to advance the institution’s distinction and vision for global education of “educating to achieve a just, healthy, sustainable and peaceful world” through faculty development and grant opportunities, delivery of study away programs, on-campus programming on pressing world issues, and a commitment to best practices when engaging with education partners, both locally and globally. (Mission Statement, Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education)
Contact wang.center@plu.edu or Tamara R. Williams, Instructor of Record.
Contact Dr. Williams
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