On March 7-8, 2024, the 11th Wang Center Symposium will bring together academics, activists, and practitioners whose life’s work addresses what the U.S. Surgeon General has referred to as a critical health concern and a key determinant to community well-being.

Congratulations to the 2024 Photo and Video Contest Winners! Check out the winners from this year and previous years!
More Global Education Topics

Volleyball's Jessica Herklotz Studies Away in Oaxaca over J-Term (March 21, 2023)
Check out this article about Volleyball’s Jessica Herklotz and her experience studying away in Oaxaca over J-Term 2023!

17 PLU Students Intern at THA Health Division (January 10, 2023)
Check out this article from Trinidad and Tobago Newsday about the 17 PLU students that interned at THA health division!

Student Athletes Study Away in Greece J-Term 2022 (March 18, 2022)
Check out this article from the Athletic Department about three student athletes who studied away in Greece for J-Term 2022!

J-Term Study Away Returns to PLU! (March 3, 2022)
Check out this recent article by Isabella Daltoso ’23 about J-term study away resuming at PLU!
“After a hiatus last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, 65 undergraduate and 22 graduate students from Pacific Lutheran University were able to participate in January term study away trips this year. The program took PLU students all over the world, with courses designed and taught by PLU professors offered in England, Germany, Greece, Mexico, and Peru. The experiences were fruitful for both students and professors, in spite of challenges presented by the pandemic.”

PLU's J-Term Program to Greece Makes Local News on the Island of Rhodes! (February 4, 2022)

PLU in Top 20 Nationally for Study Abroad (November 15, 2021)
In the most recent Open Doors study published by the Institute of International Education, PLU ranked #7 amongst US Master’s Institutions for undergraduate participation in short-term study abroad, and #18 in total number of study abroad students.

PLU Top Placer in the Peace Corps (September 30, 2021)
Since 1961, PLU has produced more than 250 Peace Corps volunteers. PLU has ranked as a top 10 Peace Corps Prep certificate-issuing institution from among more than 150 Peace Corps Prep partner institutions across the country.

Creating Global Connections Locally (November 11, 2020)
Check out the article below to learn about PLU’s approach to experiential and community-engaged learning through local study away programs!
“How Education Abroad Offices Can Create Global Connections Locally”

Development and Assessment of Short-Term Programs (November 11, 2020)
Check out this article about short-term program development and assessment in London from two PLU faculty members from the psychology department!

Gochanour Capitalizes on Study Away Opportunity in Oaxaca (January 21, 2020)
Click here to see an article about a previous PLU women’s tennis student-athlete, Bayley Gochanour, and how her study-away experience in Oaxaca intersected with her time as a student-athlete!
Global Washington is a non-profit, membership based organization committed to strengthening the global development sector of Washington State. In the past year, Global Washington began to explore the importance of global education, specifically for Washington students, and discovered the significance of global understanding in today’s world. The Global Education Initiative, a subcommittee of Global WA, recently released a report outlining the state of global education in Washington, providing a rationale for global education, highlighting best practices, and presenting recommendations for improvement. Read the Executive Summary
Check out this article about top-paying liberal arts majors. Another excellent reason to study a foreign language abroad!
How important is it for American students to spend time learning overseas? Read More of this New York Times article.
Check out these articles about how studying away can boost your resume and your job opportunities!
5 Ways Studying Abroad Can Help Your Career
The Right Sort of Travel Can Boost Your Career
An IES Abroad Study shows that study away enhances one’s opportunity to find jobs sooner after graduation – and at a higher salary!
Mural in Trinidad
PLU’s Chris Jordan painted a fantastic mural at a local boys’ school while studying away in Trinidad & Tobago during Spring semester 2014.
Parkland Mural
The Parkland Community Mural Project, founded by study away alum and Wang Grant recipient Saiyare Refaei, was completed August 2014!
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International Education Week
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