Taezha Watson

Global Ambassador


  • Biography


Hello! My name is Taezha Watson, I use she/her pronouns, and I am a third year studying Gender, Sexuality, and Race Studies with Communications. I had the great privilege of studying away last Spring semester in Trinidad & Tobago, and was also selected as a Peace Scholar to study in Oslo, Norway for 7 weeks in the Summer. I have been centering gratitude in my life and want to give back to the Wang center for investing in me. As a first-generation, queer, middle-class, student of color I did not think that studying away was “for me”. I want to help in bridging the gap of accessibility for studying away so more students like me (and not like me) can know that it is for them and possible! Global education has changed my perception of life and confidence as an academic, and while the barriers to study away look different for everyone, I truly believe in the 1:1 connection that the Wang Center offers to make studying away a reality for those who think it can only exist within imagination. So if you want to talk to someone about what is possible for you, entertain the thought, and talk to me!