Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grants

Amber Richards (’19) was one of seventy-five students nationwide to receive Study Abroad Grants through the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society during  this past year. These grants are awarded to students with a GPA of 3.75 and above who wish to seek knowledge and experience in their academic fields by studying away. For more information on these grants, click here. Congratulations, Amber!

Updated November 2018

General External Scholarships

Congratulations to the following students for earning scholarships for Fall 2018!
Paige Balut – IES Vienna ($1,000)
Marisa Etzell – James Cook University ($2,000)
Sharlaine Hesira – SIT-IHP Climate Change ($2,960)
Tran Hoang – CIEE London ($1,500)
Moses Mbugua – CIEE Paris ($750)
For more information about general external scholarships, click here.

Updated November 2018

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

Ayana Freeman (’21) was awarded a $3,500 Benjamin A. Gilman scholarship for her semester in Trinidad and Tobago this spring. The Gilman scholarship provides funding for students who receive a Pell Grant to study away, especially to those studying a critical language such as Korean, Turkish, Hindi, or Russian while abroad. For more information, click here. Congratulations, Ayana!

Updated March 2019

Alumni Teach English in Local Communities (August 29, 2016)

PLU Study Away Alumni often continue their involvement in global education after their time away. Read about Sara Stuart, an alum of the Granada Program and a former Sojourner Advocate, teaching ESL classes in Everett through Goodwill and the YMCA.

PLU Students in the News Abroad (January 2016)

J-Term 2016 Italy students featured in local news

Students from the 2013 J-Term course “Crime and Punishment in the UK” were featured on several UK websites, including the Gloucestershire Constabulary’s Facebook Page.

Namibia Nine Film Team group picture
PLU Film Team in Namibia (Summer 2014)

During summer 2014, six Lutes traveled to Namibia to film a documentary about the nine Namibians who studied at PLU in the 1990s.

Fulbright Scholars - three students standing together
100 Fulbright Scholars (May 26, 2014)

Five more PLU grads (all Study Away alums!) received Fulbrights in Spring 2014, bringing the university’s total to an even 100. 

Spy Recruiting and Study Abroad (April 15, 2014)

A recent FBI video warns American students of how they could be made recruiting targets by foreign intelligence agencies. Read more in this New York Times article.

Wang Center Wins Quigg Award (December 19, 2013)

On December 19th, 2013, the Wang Center received the Carol Sheffels Quigg Award for Excellence and Innovation supporting “projects to enhance the quality, efficiencies and sustainable practices” of our Study Away programs and office.

One of the Namibian delegation members standing by a PLU flag on campus
Namibian Delegation Visits PLU (August 14, 2013)

Included among the delegation of Namibian dignitaries touring the Pacific Lutheran University campus in 2013 was a proud alumnus, Edwin Tjiramba, who delighted in sharing his fond memories of PLU.

fulbright_student logo
PLU Named Top Producer of Fulbrights (October 28, 2012)

The Chronicle of Higher Education named PLU a top producer of Fulbright for 2012-13. Currently four PLU graduates are abroad as Fulbright Scholars.