Dear JED Campus Community,

Recent events in Ukraine have created a great amount of concern and uncertainty around the world and on the campuses we work with, especially for faculty, staff and students who have direct ties to and/or family members in the region.  We are writing to express our condemnation of the violence in Ukraine and our solidarity with those who are suffering as a result.  This is an uncertain situation and we do not know how events will unfold over the coming weeks and months, but we do want to acknowledge how this may be impacting all of us in various ways, and offer these mental health resources that may be helpful at this time.

From APA: Statement and Resources on the Impact of the War in Ukraine

From University of Michigan: Stressed by what’s going on in Ukraine? How to cope – And how to help

From NPR: How to cope with the stressful news cycle

JED’s Mental Health Resource Center: Mental Health Resource Center | The Jed Foundation

As always, JED is committed to supporting the mental and emotional health of students, staff and faculty. Please reach out to your Campus Advisor if there is any way JED can be of support to you and your campus as we navigate this difficult time.


The JED Higher Ed Team

John Dunkle, Diana Cusumano, Erica Riba, Ethan Fields, Sophia Gordon, Kristelle Aisaka, Ryan Bunts, Erlinda Delacruz, Leah Finch, Michael King, Nicole Mullis, Rachel Czerny, and Shannon Rose