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What About Monkeypox?

Posted by:
July 14, 2022

Monkeypox has now shown up in Pierce County and we are in close contact with Tacoma Pierce County Health Department (TPCHD) to determine an appropriate initial campus and Health Center response to this matter.

TPCHD sends out regular updates on new cases, which, as of today, number two unrelated individuals, neither of whom have experienced recent travel. This link will take you to the TPCHD announcements related to Monkeypox and I encourage all of us to be as informed as possible about this virus and its associated symptoms.

Students who have concerns about a rash or flu-like illness, regardless of your potential for exposure to MP, should call the Health Center (253-535-7337), your healthcare provider or an urgent care clinic to determine how and where to be evaluated and tested. Employees should consult with their healthcare providers. As of this writing, the Health Center does not have access to the required lab supplies to perform MP testing and it is possible that our setting may not be able to implement necessary testing protocols.

This announcement will be updated as we learn more from our partners at the County and State Health Departments.

Monkeypox Facts For People Who Are Sexually Active

CDC Response to the 2022 Monkeypox Outbreak

CDC Monkeypox Information for Teens and Young Adults

CDC Monkeypox FAQs – covering multiple topics of concern

Monkeypox (MPV)

Viruela del mono (MPV)

TPCHD Monkeypox Vaccine Availability and Event Information

Preventing Spread to Others