Doreen Splinter, MA
Clinic Coordinator, Health Services

- Professional
- Biography
- Personal
- Certified Medical Assistant, Pierce County Community College, 1979
Administrative support for PLU Health Services. Work with students as a navigator to establish health insurance under their own plan.
Professional Memberships/Organizations
- Diabetic Association of America
Doreen joined PLU and the Health Center in 2003. She likes to camp, travel with her husband of 28+ years, read, work in her yard and garden, walk her dog Lucy, and exercise. She loves spending time with her daughter (who is in the Education department at Central University), her son (who graduated from PLU with a Psychology major), her daughter-in-law (who graduated from Western University, also with a Psychology major), as well as her extended family – who all live in this area.
- 2003 to present: PLU Student Health Center
- Family Practice Office Manager / Medical Assistant for 20 years
- Ophthalmology Assistant for 5 years
- walking, gardening, family gatherings, reading
Fun Facts
- I love to read! Currently expanding my book interests.
- I love working in other peoples yards and helping them suggesting certain plants and flowers
- Favorite drink: Lemonade Crystal Light and water
Until the last year I volunteered at the local Rescue Mission serving meals during the Holidays. For 3 years I volunteered with the Diabetes Free Clinic at PLU, until they closed. I now enjoy spending my free time and most weekends with my 3 grandsons