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  • October 2, 2012 After applying as a cellist for the Broadway musical Spring Awakening, just for fun, Justin Huertas ’09 found himself on a national tour and is working on turning the experience into his own show. (Photo by Kristina R. Corbitt) Pursuing the Dream By Leah Traxel ’14 Justin Huertas ’09 was ready to “break up” with acting and playing the cello to pursue a steadier paycheck, when fate stepped in. Huertas, who has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from PLU, had worked fairly steadily

  • professor Jerrold Lerum. What started as a medical mission morphed into a Ugandan East African Neurosurgery Training Program in August 2009, with Haglund (left) and Dr. Michael Muhumuza of Mulago Hospital serving as co-directors. Haglund said Lerum told him his 3.0 GPA as a biology major after his freshman fall semester  wouldn’t be good enough to get into medical school, and that motivated Haglund to switch to a chemistry major to prove him wrong – which he did. Haglund understood the motivating factor

  • April 1, 2013 This past year a group of PLU students, as part of the award-winning MediaLab, dove into the topic of anti-Islamic sentiment in America. This is a first account shared by one of the project leaders JuliAnne Rose ’13. The topic took them across America on a mission of understanding the complexities of the issues at hand. Diving into Islamophobia in America By JuliAnne Rose ’13 Strapped with massive camera equipment, we struggled off the

  • Training May 2, 2024 The Priscilla Carney Jones Scholarship April 18, 2024 $2000 DEIR scholarship- Extended Deadline May 15! April 16, 2024

  • say all of art— is only ever about a poet’s feelings. But anyone who has ever taken a poetry-writing course knows that the making of a work of art may begin with the artist’s feelings, but to be any good it has to be brought into the realm of craft. In the poetry-writing classes I teach, I like to imagine the members of the class wearing lab coats —which is to say that the analytical work involved when we discuss each other’s poems is vital to a thorough understanding of how those poems work. As

  • July 7, 2008 Speakers tell PLU audiences to reach outside themselves Rich, diverse and often divergent voices came to PLU over the last year to challenge our outlook on life and our choices. Should one eat meat, or not? What of world hunger, the environment, corporate greed, genocide and women’s rights? What can one person do to address these issues? All speakers stressed that individual choices and actions do matter – even when faced with problems on a global scale. Last fall kicked off with

  • . But take a closer look and the differences come to light. Rain barrels on each corner of the exterior collect water from the gutters to be repurposed elsewhere. The paint on the exterior of the house makes rainwater bead up, and when it drips off, it naturally washes dirt from the house. There are big plans for this PLU-owned property, called the “reDesign House.” The goal is to take this vacant single-family residence and turn it into a creative space where students, faculty and staff can work

  • Dr. Mary Moller – 2018 APNA Psychiatric Nurse of the Year Posted by: Julie Winters / April 30, 2019 April 30, 2019 Congratulations Dr. Moller! We are so happy for you and proud to have you on the team bringing new PMHNP nurses into the field. Read more about Dr. Moller’s accomplishments in the psychiatric field in this article on the APNA Psychiatric Nurse of the Year Read Previous Isabella Zubrod – Women’s Volleyball Athlete of the Week! LATEST POSTS Isabella Zubrod – Women’s Volleyball

  • The Choir of the West takes to the road Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / January 21, 2013 January 21, 2013 Performing in Washington and British Columbia The PLU Choir of the West will be on tour in Washington and British Columbia later this January and in early February. The repertoire for this year’s Choir of the West tour spans many stylistic eras and genres. Audience members will hear premiere performances of three works: Exultate, by PLU choral faculty member Brian Galante; Northern Lights, by

  • Where can a liberal arts degree in Music Composition lead you? In my case it has led to a life of travel, study, program development, tour-guiding, international relations and eventually a handshake with the President of China. Here’s the tale. TACOMA, Wash. (Sept. 29, 2015)—The…

    Chinese for 25 years in Tacoma, and that I just happened to be in the right role as Chair at the right time to welcome the president of China. It is nice to know that, after 25 years of studying a country and civilization, I actually have learned some things and put them to good use in the world. It is also proof that learning does not end with graduation from college—many things are learned beyond college and can turn into second careers. My only concern, and I will take this up with the cosmic