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  • 14th. (Video by John Froschauer) In an interview with Barbara Clements, Samantha Potter talks about balancing athletics and academics. As for basketball, this season the PLU women beat two Division II schools for the first time in Potter’s career. No wonder, then, that Potter received the Lute Career Athletic Achievement Award at the 44th Annual PLU Athletics Awards Dessert on May 4. Potter grew into her athleticism naturally—her dad is a football coach, and her uncle coaches boys’ basketball at a

  • a future in which higher education was valuable or even possible. Instead, the hardships he endured were his instruction. “I was first educated in the adult world,” Cushman said, adding that domestic violence, drug abuse and gang violence were his teachers. “These experiences taught me that unless I worked as hard as I could to get out of where I was, I would only repeat what was being shown to me.” (Video by PLU) Determined to break the cycle, Cushman thus motivated himself to earn his diploma

  • October 5, 2019 President’s Remarks: Allan Belton Student Spotlight: Kyle Siemers Return to President's Dinner Event Click on the video to watch President Allan speak. Allan Belton, PresidentAllan Belton is the 14th President at Pacific Lutheran University. Before he became President, he served as Senior Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer, responsible for the University’s administrative functions including Business Operations & Finance, Human Resources, Facilities & Construction

  • beginning a content unit or learning module. 3Entry and Exit TicketsEntry and exit tickets require students to reflect on a reading assignment, video, lecture, or other and then write a brief response to a question on an index card that is designed to gather information about their understanding of core facts, terms, concepts and ideas. 4Guided Reading NotesStudents receive a copy of notes that summarize content from an upcoming assigned reading, but that includes blanks. As students read, they provide

  • will be new to you. I divide the compositions into 9 chapters as I see them: Longing, Hope, the messenger, fate, the eyewitness, pure entertainment, the broken heart, censored, in memoriam. This lecture, which includes some video and audio recordings, introduces through the art of music the affirmation of life and living for the Terezin prisoner. Presenters: Nick Strimple, Professor of Practice, Thornton School of Music, USC Murry Sidlin, Defiant Requiem Foundation, Conductor Moderator: Edwin

  • You Can Play project (a social-activism campaign dedicated to eliminating homophobia in sports), we made a video and put out inclusion posters saying, “If you can play, you can play.’ The Queer Ally Student Union (QASU) invited me to one of their meetings to listen while they discussed hyper-masculinity in sports and to be a part of the conversation. At the end when I told them about the You Can Play Project, everyone gave me a standing ovation. I had tears of happiness. For me, it’s common sense

  • . Care. Menu Search Events ePass Academics Admission Administration Athletics Alumni Student Life Families Giving Careers at PLU Campus Map Directory About PLU Calendar Library Textbooks News Stories Video ResoLute Photos Livestream Webcams Frequently Searched Items What programs are offered? Do you offer graduate programs? How do I apply? How do international students apply? How much does it cost to attend? How do I get to campus? How can I check my grades? How can I see on-campus dining? Are there

  • ePass Academics Admission Administration Athletics Alumni Student Life Families Giving Careers at PLU Campus Map Directory About PLU Calendar Library Textbooks News Stories Video ResoLute Photos Livestream Webcams Frequently Searched Items What programs are offered? Do you offer graduate programs? How do I apply? How do international students apply? How much does it cost to attend? How do I get to campus? How can I check my grades? How can I see on-campus dining? Are there any local college fairs

  • PLU after finishing two years of Running Start in high school. “When I visited the campus, I loved how welcoming everyone was,” she says. Although she loved all of her classes and instructors, she particularly appreciated Marnie Ritchie’s multimedia production class, which launched her documentary. And Amy Young‘s advertising and PR class offered Stafki new concepts, such as how to market and advertise her documentary. Stafki is currently an intern at the video production company Meraki Agency

  • captured his imagination and took him to a land, far, far away. “I was always drawing stop-motion movies and little drawings and cartoons in the sides of my textbooks and stuff like that,” he said. “And I was always borrowing my Dad’s video camera.” In high school, Perry took every art class he could find. And when he ran out of art classes, he started crafting coursework through independent study. He did the same thing at Pierce College, and then transferred to PLU. It was here his future career got