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  • A conversation with 2016 Benson fellows Marc Vetter and Matthew Macfarlane PLU Student-Faculty Research on Health Care and High Technology A conversation with 2016 Benson fellows Marc Vetter and Matthew Macfarlane The following excerpts were gathered from a May 26, 2017 conversation between Benson Family Chair Michael Halvorson and the 2016 Benson research fellows Marc Vetter… June 6, 2017 Benson FellowsMarc VetterMatt MacfarlaneMichael HalvorsonPLU Research

  • jewelry design, to rapid prototyping and graphic design. At PLU, an obvious use of the software is in sculpture classes. Artists typically construct a scaled-down, 3-D model of their sculpture first in cardboard or clay, but editing the model is labor-intensive, Ebbinga said. In Rhino, artists can create the model and easily make adjustments. The software can also be used in math courses. Ebbinga is currently collaborating with associate math professor Daniel Heath, who studies complex knots. The

  • Jeffrey Stuart Professor of Mathematics Phone: 253-535-7403 Email: Office Location: Morken Center for Learning & Technology - 258 Curriculum Vitae: View my CV Professional Biography Personal Education Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1986 M.A., Mathematics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1981 B.S., Physics and Mathematics, Pomona College, 1980 Areas of Emphasis or Expertise Combinatorial Matrix Theory Graph Theory Optimization and Finance Selected

  • December 1, 2009 Aspire “I want students to be able to see that you can aspire to be great. You can change the world.”It was on a basketball court that Isaiah Johnson ’96 first felt his calling. He had been bouncing around different majors, unsure of what he wanted to do with his life. The dean of students suggested that he work as a counselor for a youth basketball camp. He was hooked – he had found his passion. Education. As his career went on, Johnson found he connected to a lot of students

  • Sunset for ½” VHS Videotape Players Posted by: Jenna S / May 11, 2015 May 11, 2015 by Layne Nordgren and Travis Pagel For over 25 years Video Home System (better known as ½” VHS) players provided access to analog video recordings in classrooms. But as technology continued to improve, this format was gradually supplanted by DVD players. What this means at PLU, is that what was once a standard component of classroom podiums, is now obsolete. In May of 2013, Instructional Technologies emailed all

  • On-Campus EmploymentAt PLU, there are plenty of on-campus opportunities available to you. Log in to the Opportunities Board to view open positions. All jobs on campus are work-study eligible but most positions are also open to students who don’t have work study. If you get stuck, don’t hesitate to email us at Our career experts can guide you through the process.Steps To Apply For A JobLog in Open the Opportunities Board Log in with your ePass Upload a ResumeYou must upload a

  • visit and will be traveling alone, the Office of Admission will send a shuttle to pick you up and drop you off again at the airport at no cost to you. Please make arrangements with the Office of Admission at least one week in advance. Students enrolled at PLU who fly home for vacation need to make their own ground and air travel arrangements. NamePhone Shuttle Express425-981-7000 Capital Aeroporter800-962-3579 Around the Clock Shuttle Service253-539-9299 Five Star Shuttle Service253-589-9299 Yellow

  • Equitable Assessment PracticesIn keeping with PLU’s access, recruitment, and retention goals, we must expand our understanding of “effectiveness” in assessment to include equity-centered assessment practices. According to Montenegro and Jankowski (NILOA 2020) equity in assessment relies on three changes in how we think about data collection, analysis, and action:  Assessment should be culturally responsive, meaning it should be mindful of context and the various student populations being served

  • As leaders selected by your senators, we strive to advocate for you through our focus areas. We work to improve your academic experience and personal growth through Director projects. Director projects take place that align with our positions — Lute Vote, Social Justice, Environmental Justice, Finance, and Public Relations/Administrative — and through a DJS lens. Our projects include hosting events on campus and collaborating with groups on campus that embody student values.

  • , understanding forgiveness… In this practice, quiet your mind and become aware of your breath. Allow yourself to find the pace your body wants to go. Since the path is two-way, those going in will meet those coming out. You may “pass” people or let others step around you. Do what feels natural. Walk the labyrinth with an open mind and an open heart.  Each time you walk the labyrinth you become more empowered to find and do the work for which you feel your soul is reaching. History of Labyrinths Labyrinths