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  • Short-Term Course Proposal Lead a Short-Term Study Away Program Short-term, faculty-led study away programs are intensive academic experiences initiated, organized and carried out by members of the PLU faculty, with assistance from the Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education. Short-term programs are taught both overseas and domestically depending on the course subject matter and will often combine some class time on campus with off-campus study depending on the course design

  • Congratulations on your new on-campus job!If this is your first job at PLU, you must submit employment forms at the Office of Student Employment in Suite 110 of the Hauge Administrative Building. You will need to turn in the forms before your first shift. Do not email anything containing sensitive information like your social security number as PLU email is not a secure format. All forms must be submitted in person at our office. Please read the following explanations for each of the required

  • You Ask, We Answer: What is January Term? Posted by: shortea / May 9, 2023 May 9, 2023 At PLU, we have a 4-1-4 term system. This means that we have a four month fall semester, a four month spring semester, and a one month January term (or J-Term for short) in between, where you’ll fit in an entire semester of usually just one class into the month of January. If you are on campus for J-Term, you will likely be in your class three hours a day, Monday through Friday. J-Term is a really great

  • Kevin Berg Associate Dean of Institutional Research and Records Full Profile 253-535-7890

  • Major in Hispanic Studies A minimum of 36 semester hours beyond HISP 102, including: Language and Composition 4-12 semester hours of Spanish language and critical writing for second language or heritage learners. Students with prior background in Spanish should consult the Language Placement Guide for a recommendation on the appropriate level to start their studies. HISP 201 (4) HISP 202 or 252 (4) HISP 301 or 351 (4) Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies 12 semester hours HISP 321

  • . PLU was ranked seventh among private universities offering doctorate degrees.Institutions earn Military Friendly designations based on their commitment and impact on serving the military and veteran community. Over 1,800 schools were evaluated using public data sources and responses from a proprietary survey. This latest designation adds to PLU’s long list of accolades for its commitment to military students and families. PLU has been a “Military Friendly School” since 2010 and this year was

  • year.Institutions earn Military Friendly designations based on their efforts in creating sustainable and meaningful education paths for the Military Community. Over 1,800 schools were evaluated using public data sources and responses from a proprietary survey. This latest designation adds to PLU’s long list of accolades for its commitment to military students and families. PLU has been a “Military Friendly School” since 2010 and was ranked sixth most “Military Friendly School” among private universities

  • ‘How was your summer?’ Posted by: Thomas Krise / September 10, 2014 September 10, 2014 When I ask our students what they did over summer break, I am consistently impressed by their motivation. This summer, Nellie Moran ’15, an Economics and French major, worked for the Democratic National Committee in Washington D.C., during which time she met President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. During her internship, Moran learned the ins and outs of voter registration and working on voter

  • Editor’s Note On Campus Discovery Research Accolades Lute Library Blogs Alumni News Alumni Profiles Homecoming 2015 Twin Cities ‘Waste Not’ Seattle Connections Easter Egg Hunt Night at the Rainiers Alumni Events Class Notes Family and Friends Submit a Class Note Calendar Homecoming 2015 Homecoming 2015 Highlights: Oct. 9-11 Celebrating 125 Years of PLU: A Wine Walk Class reunions for classes of 1955, 1965, 1975, 1990 and 2005 Alumni Tent and Homecoming Football Game vs. Linfield G.O.L.D. (Graduates of

  • In the interest of maintaining a proper business environment and preventing interference with work and inconvenience to others, employees may not distribute literature or printed materials of any kind, sell merchandise, solicit financial contributions or solicit for any other cause during working time unless it is directly related to university business. Employees who are not on working time may not solicit employees who are on working time for any cause or distribute literature of any kind to