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  • Education: A Lutheran Tradition Georgia ’59 and Denis Bailey believe the world needs more places like PLU. “I appreciated what the school did for me,” Georgia says. “The church started schools. I think this was an important thing that the Lutheran church did and is doing today.” The Baileys have supported the school through a gift annuity, and they have supported student access as longtime PLU Annual Fund donors.“For us, getting a PLU charitable gift annuity has been a win-win situation

  • A Family Tradition of Investing in a PLU Education Mike Larson ’83 knew he was going to go to PLU when he was 8 years old. “I was groomed to be PLU proud, and I still am,” he says. The university community plays a big part in the life of Mike and his wife, Beco. According to Mike, the time he had at PLU can’t be summed up just by a degree. It was so much more. “I made some lifelong friends when I was in college,” he says. “I grew up a lot when I was in college. I think the college experience

  • Tom '83 and Holly Buskirk: Keeping PLU's Unique Spirit of Service Alive As a longtime pilot for FedEx, Tom Buskirk ’83 considers his profession a technical one. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t value a liberal arts education, or the idea that a university should encourage its students to serve others. “It’s important for students to get high quality education – particularly in the liberal arts,” Tom said. “It teaches you to view the world in a totally different way. “PLU students are expected

  • /* fix for jQuery UI library issues when using the date picker popup */ jQuery.browser = {}; (functi

  • How and why do you choose allyship even when it is unpopular? Katie Monsen ‘96 and Emily Davidson ‘98 (links to full interviews here and here)Katie Monsen ‘96 and Emily Davidson ‘98 were two allied PLU alumnae whom Beth recommended I contact. Though they didn’t overlap too much in their years at PLU, they both dedicated themselves to formal and informal allyship through student organizations and their social circles. Katie wrote a column in The Mast that she leveraged to combat the anti-queer

  • Retention of Legal and Vital Records Description of RecordsCare of RecordsFinal Disposition Charter or articles of incorporation Constitution, bylaws, and continuing resolutions Deeds, titles, surveys, leases, mortgages, easements, blueprints, and construction drawings Insurance policies (current and retired) Copies of letters of call to the pastors and ELCA rostered church workers Documentation creating endowment funds and for bequests, gifts, and endowments Secure these documents by placing

  • Teaching and Learning with Archives and Special Collections The Archives and Special Collections partners with teaching faculty to develop instructional opportunities that enhance the student learning experience through the investigation and use of primary source material. The Archives and Special Collections teaching and learning services include: Consultations with instructors about possible assignments and lessons using primary sources and special collections materials. Guided discussions

  • Commitment to Diversity, Justice, and SustainabilityASPLU embraces our university’s values of diversity, justice, and sustainability (DJS). This is because DJS is necessary in living out the mission of PLU as a whole: inquiry, service, leadership, and care. Mission StatementOur mission as the Associated Students of Pacific Lutheran University is to promote the growth of the collective student body community as a whole, while actively encouraging the advancement of the individual.DJS StatementIn

  • Formative and Summative AssessmentSource: Yale Center for Teaching and Learning on Formative and Summative AssessmentPrintable pdfAssessment allows both instructor and student to monitor progress towards achieving learning objectives. Formative assessment refers to tools used throughout a class or course that identify misconceptions, struggles, and learning gaps, while assessing ways to close such gaps. Formative assessment can help students take ownership of their learning when they understand