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  • the instructor in consultation with the student. Repeatable for credit. (1 to 12) NURS 596 : Scholarly Inquiry in Nursing Practice Development and submission of professional paper or project related to one's area of specialization based on an evaluation and outcomes model. Cross-listed with NURS 599. (2) (2 credits didactic) NURS 599 : Thesis Faculty-guided application of the research process. May involve replication of previous study, secondary analysis of research data, an evaluation project, or

  • secrecy, prompted a DOE reporting portal in June 2020, which has since closed. As tensions between the U.S. and China grew, federal policymakers frequently conflated CI-related academic freedom concerns with a broader set of issues including: Chinese efforts to steal technology, intellectual property and research data; disruptive activities by some campus-based Chinese student associations and China’s consulates; Chinese talent recruitment plans; and other suspect influence efforts. Passed in August

  • ; or Making up information, such as data for a lab report; or Collaborating with others on assignments without the instructor’s consent; or Cooperating with or helping another student to cheat; or Other forms of dishonest behavior, such as having another person take an exam for you, altering exam answers and requesting the exam be re-graded, or communicating with anyone other than a proctor or instructor during an exam. Plagiarism is when someone omits, misrepresents, or inaccurately documents how

  • to approval by the Board of Regents. To recommend to the faculty ideas or techniques that make it possible to obtain objective information or data whereby the effectiveness of teaching may more adequately be determined, thereby enabling the committee to fulfill its advisory function as fully as possible. To recommend to the faculty matters related to tenure or promotion that the faculty may decide to recommend to the president for presentation to the Board of Regents. To conduct inquiries into

  • data to hone this down, but the ultimate goal is to examine patient outcomes,” he said. Where he is now: Kilgore is looking to work as a nurse practitioner in the South Sound region. He also aspires to pursue a leadership role within a health care organization in the next few years. Molly Martin Sometimes, there aren’t enough hours in the day for Molly Martin. It’s a challenge to balance patient calls and prescription refills on top of seeing as many as 20 patients a day. And she wouldn’t have it

  • /discrimination, financial difficulties, family conflict). We will also discuss the history of anti-Asian racism and present recent data on racism targeting Chinese and Chinese Americans during COVID-19. Participants will learn how to help Chinese American parents talk to their children about race and promote Chinese family strengths, parent-child communication and emotional wellbeing. Racial-ethnic socialization is defined as parents’ transmission of messages about race to their children, including cultural

  • of traditional family structures and values, and the disillusionment of the American dream. How I Learned to Drive by Paula Vogel Lori Lee Wallace, Director March 7,8*,9, 15 & 16, 7:30pm and March 17, 2pm How I Learned to Drive is a Pulitzer Prize winning drama set in rural Maryland, “before the malls took over.” The play recounts the relationship between a young girl, from a tightly knit lower-middle-class family, and her uncle-by-marriage. It is often described as one of the most disturbing

  • , critically analyzing data, and sharing with colleagues answers to the question, “What do the findings of research mean?” It may be evidenced by publication, artistic production, and other forms of professional conversation with colleagues in one’s own and in other disciplines. Scholarship of Application Demonstrates a commitment to using knowledge responsibly to solve problems of consequence to human welfare. It may be evidenced by publication, artistic production, and other forms of professional

  • institution must report statistics for each on campus student housing facility, for the three most recent calendar years for which data are available, concerning – number of fires and the cause of each fire; the number of persons who received fire-related injuries that resulted in treatment at a medical facility, including at an on-campus health center; number of deaths related to a fire; and value of property damage caused by a fire. Submit a copy of the fire statistics to the Secretary on an annual

  • degrees on students who meet the University’s requirements; (2) engage instructors, administrators and staff; (3) acquire, purchase, own, hold, improve, use, mortgage, sell and convey real and personal property of every kind and description; (4) purchase, construct, operate and maintain necessary and suitable buildings and structures for school purposes with necessary equipment and appurtenances; (5) have, accept and receive any rents, profits, annuities, grants, legacies, donations or bequests of any