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  • by the World Economic Forum. Women enjoy the same legal rights as men in Austria. However, discrimination in employment and occupation occurred with respect to women. Recent data from the PCW Women in Work Index, which rates countries based on equal pay and access to job markets, reveals that Austria is one of the worst performing countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) when it comes to equality for women. Although Austria’s separate gender roles model has

  • Kishaba. “I learned to trust my own instincts,” she said. If late nights collecting data in the W.M. Keck Observatory aren’t your idea of fun, you haven’t met Megan Longstaff ’19 and Justin deMattos ’19, whose presentation was titled, “Observational Astronomy in Tacoma: Analyzing Jupiter’s Rotation and the Brightness Profile of Saturn’s Rings.” Longstaff, a morning person, worried about the hours at first. But “our projects were so fascinating that it was easy to stay up until 2 AM,” she said

  • U.S. Census data that show Latinos represent 17 percent of the population at 55.4 million people. It’s estimated that representation is going to grow significantly in the next several decades. She noted that Latinos and other people of color are expected to account for 56 percent of the population by 2060. Despite these numbers, representation of the Latino population still significantly lags: 0 Nation's Lawyers 0 Scientists and engineers 0 Practicing medical doctors 0 Full-time faculty members at

  • Chapter 296-874, WACWAC 296-874-100: ScopeThis chapter applies to suspended and supported scaffolds, including their supporting structures and anchorage points. Exemption: This chapter doesn’t apply to: Manually propelled elevating work platforms Self-propelled elevating work platforms Boom-supported elevating work platforms Aerial lift Crane or derrick suspended personnel platforms Personnel platforms supported by powered industrial trucks (PITs). Reference: Additional requirements for the

  • his inventive spirit. She encouraged him to join her in setting a personal goal to accomplish within a year, while Ciscell was in graduate school at Colorado State University. Within that year, after what Ciscell calls a “very scientific” data-collection process of playing his game about 100 times with friends-turned-critics, “Atlantis Rising” was finished. Ciscell used his contacts from gaming conventions and sold the game to the first company he pitched it to, New York-based Z-Man Games. The

  • economics, and am interested in teaching, research and consultation work. Anna Reiman ’13 is from Puyallup, Wash. Anthony Markuson, Bachelor of Science in biology Anthony Markuson ’13 is from Chester, Mont. Why PLU? My campus visit made the difference because of PLU’s warm and welcoming community. After visiting PLU, no other campus could truly compare. Nevertheless, I needed numerical data to support a decision. In an Excel spreadsheet, I assigned points to universities based on 29 categories. After

  • By:Kari Plog '11 January 31, 2017 0 Antarctica