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  • Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) Posted by: nicolacs / July 26, 2021 July 26, 2021 The Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) program encourages undergraduate students and recent graduates to pursue science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers by providing research experiences at the Department of Energy (DOE) laboratories. Selected students participate as interns appointed at one of 17 participating DOE laboratories/facilities. They perform

  • Careers in Electrochemistry! Oregon Center for Electrochemistry Master’s Internship Program Posted by: alemanem / November 1, 2021 November 1, 2021 Apply Now: Application for Fall 2022 (Class of 2023) Electrochemistry underlies technologies critical to avert the worst effects of climate change. Get the knowledge and training needed to help address the world’s biggest challenges! Chemistry, physics, engineering are all appropriate backgrounds – each brings unique complementary skill sets

  • ACS Puget Sound – 19th Annual Careers in Chemistry for Undergraduates Posted by: nicolacs / January 17, 2023 January 17, 2023 The Puget Sound Section of the American Chemical Society is pleased to bring you two informative virtual sessions recommended for all STEM undergraduates, especially chemistry students. Event 1: Wednesday, Feb 22, 2023, 5-6 pm (PST) – Professor Robin Anand (Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University). “Applying and Getting Accepted to Graduate School in Chemistry

  • Environmental Lab Scientist in Training Posted by: nicolacs / May 2, 2024 May 2, 2024 The City of Tacoma is recruiting for a temporary part-time to full-time (up to 960 cumulative hours) position of limited duration (six months with the potential to extend an additional 6 months as long as the cumulative hours do not to exceed 960 hours) as an Environmental lab Scientist-in-Training.  A person in this position will be assisting laboratory,  and project staff, in sample processing, coordination

  • Photo courtesy of Google Images Hello Clover-Creek residents, My name is Chelsea and I am a student at PLU writing to discuss the issues that go on in our own backyards. The water quality that lies in this creek is problematic not only for our use, but for the organisms that consider this lake to be their home. The temperature of the water is not it’s coldest and the bacteria found in the water isn’t safe either. Chemicals found in fertilizers contribute to pollute the water in a bad way. Once

  • faculty develop skills for using Sakai and online technologies to improve the teaching of face-to-face courses at PLU. This program is currently being offered as an asynchronous, online training for instructors who are interested in learning some of the essential components of PLUTO training when teaching face-to-face, flipped, and/or distance courses. Participants independently complete online lessons in Sakai at their own pace. Individual Sakai training sites provide a place to practice, view

  • A Mathematics Placement Evaluation is used to help ensure that students begin in mathematics courses that are appropriate to their preparation and abilities. Enrollment is not permitted in any of the beginning mathematics courses (MATH 105, 107, 115, 123, 128, 140, 145, 151, 152, 242 and 253) until the placement evaluation is completed, unless a student has PLU credit for the course’s prerequisites. The link to the Mathematics Placement Evaluation is available at The policy of

  • Paid Summer Research Program for Undergraduate Students Posted by: nicolacs / October 20, 2023 October 20, 2023 Starting Summer 2024, the Division of Biostatistics at the University of Minnesota, in collaboration with the Masonic Institute for the Developing Brain, will be hosting a 10-week Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU), called Equitable Data Science in Adolescent Development. This 10-week REU is a paid, full-time position designed to give undergraduate students hands-on

  • REUs: SPIRAL and SPATIAL-Stats 2023 at Georgetown Posted by: nicolacs / January 30, 2023 January 30, 2023 SPIRAL (Summer Program in Research and Learning) and SPATIAL-Stats (Summer Program Advancing Techniques in the Applied Learning of Statistics) are research experiences for undergraduates (REU) aimed at providing a mentoring structure that promotes active learning and engagement in problems in statistics and mathematics. Undergraduate students in the SPIRAL and SPATIAL-Stats will learn how

  • Indigenous Scholars, We are Lutes Too By: Native American & Indiginous Studies students Fall 2019This exhibition was created by the NAIS Interconnections class, Fall 2019, as our semester project. These posters represent some of PLU’s Native students, faculty and alum, with a quote from each individual, taken from a conversation we had with them about what being Indigenous means to them, or what they see as an Indigenous scholar. We created this project in order to make our Native population at