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  • Shipping Items to PLUSome of you may be thinking about shipping items such as books to PLU instead of packing in your limited luggage. Please read information on this page carefully before shipping items! Notifying PLU Mail Services All items shipped to PLU are first received by Mail Services then distributed across campus. If you are a new student and have not moved into your on-campus residence hall, the Mail Services staff may not recognize your name. The package will be sent back to the

  • none of the classes are offered online. Clinical experiences are usually during the day or evening shift, depending on preceptorship requirements (which are heavier toward the end of the program). We encourage applicants with flexible work schedules to accommodate varying class times and practicums. Program length: 12 – 15 months (not including pre-requisite coursework) Program start: Summer (early June) Curriculum: RN-B to MSN students follow the traditional MSN curriculum, but must meet

  • to Landing Page Big Names on Campus Accolades Lute Library Class Notes Archives © 2021 Pacific Lutheran University | All Rights Reserved X Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Vimeo VOLUME 8, ISSUE 1 – FALL 2021 EDITOR Zach Powers ’10 ASSISTANT EDITOR Veronica Craker CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Debbie Cafazzo WRITERS Silong Chhun Veronica Craker Anneli Haralson Zach Powers ’10 Lora Shinn PHOTOGRAPHER John Froschauer EXECUTIVE CREATIVE DIRECTOR Simon Sung ASSOCIATE VICE PRESIDENT OF MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS

  • Kyle’s Story – Oxford Chemistry – Class of 2020 What she would like other students to know: Getting to study away as a natural science student was something I never thought could be done. I had a professor tell me in front of the whole class that “Chemistry majors don’t study away!” I was very lucky with this program as it satisfied both my major requirements and my IHON courses I needed. I was surprised to find how helpful my non-major courses were to developing the skills that my chemistry

  • us to triage our patients and keep the clinic safe for staff, and patients scheduled for non-illness appointments. If you have any illness symptoms on the day of your in-person appointment, please call in the morning to determine whether a COVID test is necessary before your visit. All patients are required to wear a mask upon arriving in the Health Center (unless you have a specific health problem that makes wearing a mask difficult). We continue to do on-site, rapid COVID-19 testing for

  • Language Placement Evaluation If you’re planning on taking any of the following languages, then you’ll need to complete the  Language Placement Survey (even if you haven’t studied the language before) at least a week before your New Student Registration appointment. Chinese French German  Greek Latin Norwegian Spanish Southern… May 27, 2020

  • Language Placement Evaluation If you’re planning on taking any of the following languages, then you’ll need to complete the  Language Placement Survey (even if you haven’t studied the language before) at least a week before your New Student Registration appointment. Chinese French German  Greek Latin Norwegian Spanish Southern… May 27, 2020

  • Language Placement Evaluation If you’re planning on taking any of the following languages, then you’ll need to complete the  Language Placement Survey (even if you haven’t studied the language before) at least a week before your New Student Registration appointment. Chinese French German  Greek Latin Norwegian Spanish Southern… May 27, 2020

  • Language Placement Evaluation If you’re planning on taking any of the following languages, then you’ll need to complete the  Language Placement Survey (even if you haven’t studied the language before) at least a week before your New Student Registration appointment. Chinese French German  Greek Latin Norwegian Spanish Southern… May 27, 2020

  • standards for admission and who would also be great members of the PLU community. If you have a 3.3 or higher cumulative GPA and have taken Intermediate Algebra by your senior year, your school lets us know and we will automatically send you an admission offer via email and mail. You then get to skip the application process! To move forward in the process, you’ll fill out a simple “Acceptance Form”. If I'm automatically admitted, will I still need to write an admission essay for PLU? Send a letter of