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  • Where are they now?Our Alumni go on to do some amazing things, read about some notable alums below.Kirsten Helland '10Kirsten deLohr Helland received rave reviews for her portrayal of Ado Annie in Oklahoma! at The 5th Avenue Theatre. Recently, she has held roles in Lizzie Borden and Jesus Christ Superstar (Village Theatre); New Voices (Contemporary Classics); Rosie the Riveter! (AMT – 5th Avenue Theatre); The Pajama Game (Seattle Musical Theatre); My Funny Valentine (5th Avenue Theatre

  • include the Glamfolk (known to SCC members for their booth in the Scandinavian Cultural Center at the Norwegian Heritage Festivals), The Northwest Viking Alliance, Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), Empire of Medieval Pursuits, and a couple international medievalist fighting groups including Historical Medieval Battles (HMB) and Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA). Her exhibit explored the ways that re-enactors use a variety of arts, crafts, fighting styles, lived experiences, and extensive

  • accounts in Hebrew Scriptures, to the Psalter, to the stories of Jesus and the disciples, and continuing throughout history, the People of God have sung.  Each era of time, each place on earth, has left a remnant of song in the sung repertoire of the church, a remnant which provides a glimpse into the practice and theology of each era and place. The Reformation initiated by Martin Luther marked a new direction in the church’s song, spurring a new wave of creativity that continues today across the whole

  • History Learning OutcomesAll history majors must develop a breadth of historical knowledge that represents awareness of the diversity of world civilizations. This is now assessed through the requirement that students take at least one class in each of three geographic areas (non-west, European, and U.S.). Our new requirements are thematically structured and the revised outcome will address the importance of having students learn to compare and connect historical inquiries that reflect a range

  • community organizations interested in historical topics supported by Archives and Special Collections holdings. Teaching Philosophy The Archives and Special Collections instruction program draws on the Guidelines for Primary Source Literacy. We believe that our collections exist to be used in teaching and learning and seek to facilitate productive and transformative encounters between students and archival materials. These encounters are designed around the following learning outcomes. By engaging with

  • worldview. Assessment for Student Learning: Uses multiple approaches in the assessment of and for student learning, promotes student self-reflection, and modifies instruction and support accordingly with intentionality around the data collected. Classroom Environment & Culture: Creates a safe, positive, Jesus-centered learning environment where students are known, valued, and celebrated, and where learning time is consistently maximized so that each student can develop a learning posture, growing in

  • June 4, 2009 Surviving ‘and thriving’ when bad things happen to good people Sunbeams massaged their way over Allison Parks’ shoulders, as she savored her coffee and perused her copy of “The Shack.”The book, which details a conversation a man has with God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost after his young daughter is brutally murdered, sums up a concept that Parks struggles with. Why do sometimes monstrous things happen to good people?The question is even the topic of her capstone project. As a religion

  • include empire building, ancient monuments, religion, art, and literature. Students learn to investigate historical problems, use sources, and write historical essays. Attributes: 4 credits, upper division course, Social Sciences credit (SO), History elective To register for this course, visit For a preview of Dr. Halvorson teaching an online “PLUTO” class, see

  • : A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Sharpe, Carlyle: Laudate Nomen Rutter, John: The Lord Is My Shepherd Bach, J.S.: Lobet den Herrn Alle Heiden, BMV 230 Nance, Richard: Batter My Heart, Three-Personed God Mantyarvi, Jaako: Double, Double Toil and Trouble (From “Four Shakespeare Songs”) Paulus, Stephen: Splendid Jewel Ravel, Maurice: Trois Chansons Vasks, Peteris: Mate Saule Alfven, Hugo: Aftonen Walton, William: Jubilate Deo arr. Hogan, Moses: I Want Jesus To Walk With Me arr. Hogan, Moses: The Battle

  • J-term adventures: Keep up with music students around the world Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / January 12, 2016 January 12, 2016 Churches, Organs, and Art in The Netherlands and GermanyUniversity Organist and Associate Professor of Music Paul Tegels takes students to visit historical buildings in the Netherlands and northern Germany.  Organ students will see and play some of the most significant historical instruments in that region, hearing the repertoire on instruments for which that repertoire