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  • ., online survey, interview, experiment) How much time participation will require Where the study will be conducted (e.g., online, in a laboratory) What incentive, if any, there is for participation Recruitment materials should not make extravagant claims, use attention-getting techniques, nor pressure readers to participate. Sorry about that!

  • This is a digital humanities project coordinated by Elsa Keinberger (PLU ’19), Madeline Scully (PLU ‘19), and Dr. Adela Ramos with the goal of creating a digital space accessible to anyone interested in writing about, reading or teaching Austen. We review Austen websites, resources, and adaptations of her work for a wide community of users, write reviews of Austen fan-fiction, movies, and Austen-adjacent series, and we also coordinate social annotation events focused on her novels. Please feel

    Adela Ramos
  • Human Error Human error is defined as inadvertent action; inadvertently doing other than what should have been done; slip, lapse, mistake. Near-miss Near-miss is defined as an unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness, or damage – but had the potential to do so. These events can represent an opportunity for students and faculty to identify and correct errors that have the potential to jeopardize patient safety. At-risk Behavior At-risk behavior is defined as a behavioral choice

  • program, so any such absences, missed content, assignments, exams, or clinical experiences need to be made up as they would for any other approved absence. Medical provider clearance may be required in order to return to the patient care setting, and extended absences may affect program progression.

  • Students may be dismissed from the School of Nursing for reasons of conduct that may not be outlined in, or a violation of the PLU Student Code of Conduct. Incidents requiring report to other offices or university officials will be managed according to PLU policy. Criminal violations will be reported to appropriate law enforcement. Dismissal from the School of Nursing for reasons of conduct is an action that can be taken only by the Dean. Students dismissed from the program due to conduct

  • IntroductionThis hearing conservation program applies to those employees who are exposed to noise levels that equal or exceed an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) sound level of 85 decibels (dB). Noise exposures should be computed in accordance with WAC 296-817-300, without regard to the fact that personal protective equipment may reduce employee noise exposure. The following examples are typical of high noise level environments that can be found at PLU: Grounds maintenance equipment Machine

  • Pacific Lutheran University provides computing and networking resources to students, faculty and staff. Use of these resources is a privilege granted to members of our community as we work and learn in an environment supportive of education and service. These policies, which apply to all users of PLU’s computing and information resources, consist of the following elements: General Use Network Use Policy Anti-Virus Software Policy Administrative Systems Use Policy Web Policy Help Desk staff

  • 2019 Distinguished Staff AwardsWe are excited to showcase these distinguished staff from our Christmas Luncheon. Distinguished Staff Members were Jen Hasson, Chris Albert, Ryan Branchini, and James Null.2019 Ice Cream SocialThank you to all who attended the 3nd annual PLU Staff Council Ice Cream Truck Social which was held August 13, 2019 in Red Square.Staff Forum with President BeltonPLU Staff had the opportunity to ask President Belton questions about the Presidential Search process and his

  • Special Recognition: Rick BarotThe Humanities Division is very proud to honor Rick Barot for what can only be described as a magical year. Rick, who teaches courses in poetry and directs the Rainier Writing Workshop, has long been recognized across campus as a brilliant teacher, scholar, and colleague. And now it seems the rest of the world knows our secret. Rick was recently awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship from the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation and his amazing collection of poetry, Chord

  • Come Play!The PLU Men’s Lacrosse Team provides highly competitive play for athletes seeking a legitimate collegiate sporting experience.  Whether you are new to the game or very experienced, our coaching staff will help you grow as a player and compete against nationally recognized teams. If you are interested in playing lacrosse at PLU, we highly encourage you to fill out the recruiting form below. /* fix for jQuery UI library issues when using the date picker popup */ jQuery.browser