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Knutson Lecture: Darren Dochukby Seth DowlandStudent-Faculty Publication: Bringing a Berry Back from the Land of the Deadby Suzanne Crawford O'brienHonoring Academic Achievement: PLU Joins Theta Alpha Kappaby Agnes Choi
Guidelines for a General Education Program (pdf) view download
Revised August 2013 Only state and local government employers may offer “Comp Time.” As Pacific Lutheran University is a private employer, regulations state we are not eligible to offer “Comp Time.”
The PLU Center for Diversity, Justice, and Sustainability works with students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members to imagine and create equitable and thriving communities, and offer a network of advocacy resources.
Marketing Materials This is a block of text that explains what the marketing materials are for and how to use them. TV AnnouncementsDOWNLOAD OPTIONSStudent BrochuresDOWNLOAD OPTIONSSocial Media ResourcesDOWNLOAD OPTIONSStaff/Faculty FlierDOWNLOAD OPTIONS
FMLA Forms for a Family Member's Serious Health Condition (pdf) view page
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