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  • Symposium. noun. /simˈpōzēəm/ A formal meeting at which experts discuss a particular topic: a drinking party or convivial discussion, especially as held in ancient Greece after a banquet.

    Symposium. noun. /simˈpōzēəm/ A formal meeting at which experts discuss a particular topic: a drinking party or convivial discussion, especially as held in ancient Greece after a banquet. International SymposiumThe biennial international symposium at PLU is one of the ways that the Wang Center supports the university’s goal of being an ever more globally focused university. PLU is nationally recognized for its international study away experiences that immerse students in other cultures and

  • Pacific Lutheran University is committed to fostering a global learning environment. As part of that effort, PLU welcomes applications from foreign nationals for faculty positions.

    International FacultyPacific Lutheran University is committed to fostering a global learning environment. As part of that effort, PLU welcomes applications from foreign nationals for faculty positions. Human Resources provides immigration assistance and information regarding government regulations to both international faculty and PLU departments. The menu below provides information on visa sponsorship procedures and relevant nonimmigrant categories.Visa Categories & OptionsFor international

  • The individual faculty member upon appointment becomes a member of a community of scholars who respect and uphold the principles of Lutheran Higher Education with the following rights and

    Section 1. SPECIFIC RIGHTS AND DUTIESThe individual faculty member upon appointment becomes a member of a community of scholars who respect and uphold the principles of Lutheran Higher Education with the following rights and obligations: A faculty member shall enjoy the rights of academic freedom as articulated in the Pacific Lutheran University Principles of Academic Freedom. A faculty member shall not engage in outside activities which consume so much time and energy as to interfere with

  • Welcome to the Experiential Learning and Opportunities page. On this page you will find information on our Experiential Learning requirement as well as updated information on internships, job

    : Earth CorpsVolunteer Calendar Earth Economics ForterraUpcoming Events Tahoma Audubon SocietyVolunteer Washington State Conservation Association Washington Department of EcologyJobs Pierce County Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium Tacoma Nature CenterVolunteer Environmental and Social Justice: Front and Centered: Communities of Color for Climate JusticeOpportunities Fuse Washington Puget Sound SageJobs Forestry: Vashon Forest StewardsMore Information Water: Citizens for a Healthy Bay Foss Waterway

  • Students may be granted regular or provisional admission to graduate programs, which may come with conditions. Some students may be granted admission with conditions.

    University. Please refer to the following link for a list of exempt countries: International students are required to purchase the PLU International Student Health Insurance policy unless they have submitted a waiver form to their insurance company and the completed form is received by the PLU Health Center by the 10th day of the first class. The Master of Science in Nursing and Doctor of Nursing Practice have additional health requirements

  • In a 2017 issue of PLU’s ResoLute magazine, alumnus Jacob Taylor-Mosquera ’09 shared about his experience as an adoptee, finding and reconnecting with his biological family in Colombia, and the tension he still navigates today as a citizen of two countries and a member of…

    next goal is to use my public administration certificate to transition to the public sector next year. Teaching, while it has been a fantastic run, was never my intended career choice. While at PLU my main concentration was global studies, and the master’s degree I finished in the Netherlands was focused on public policy. I am ecstatic for the opportunity to switch careers and become a more useful and engaged citizen.ResoLute: ‘Two families, two countries’What advice do you have to someone else who

  • News articles and blog posts from Pacific Lutheran University.

    How to Create a Basic Online Lesson By Dana Shreaves, Instructional Designer When on-campus class sessions cannot be held as scheduled, online lessons provide an alternative method for teaching. Online lessons created in Sakai can provide faculty and students with access to all the major components of a course, including instructional content,… March 6, 2020

  • Computer and Network Use Policies Pacific Lutheran University provides computing and networking resources to students, faculty and staff. Use of these resources is a privilege granted to members of our community as we work and learn in an environment supportive of education and service. These policies, which apply to all users of PLU’s computing and...

    containing inaccurate information reflecting upon the integrity of the University. Any member of the PLU community posting information on the web must abide by U.S. and international copyright and licensing laws. Copyrighted material reproduced on the web site must have prior written permission of the copyright holder. All published information will include identification of the owner, date modified or created, and contact information. Commercial use of PLU web pages is prohibited. Owner(s) of published

  • Graduate Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (2023-24 and prior) (pdf) view download

  • The Renewable Energy Scholarship Foundation is now soliciting applications for scholarships to be given in 2020.  Three scholarships will be awarded based upon academic merit, accomplishments in the field, and demonstrated interest; one is reserved for an undergraduate.  The scholarship is a cash award of…

    RENEWABLE ENERGY SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION Posted by: alemanem / October 15, 2019 October 15, 2019 The Renewable Energy Scholarship Foundation is now soliciting applications for scholarships to be given in 2020.  Three scholarships will be awarded based upon academic merit, accomplishments in the field, and demonstrated interest; one is reserved for an undergraduate.  The scholarship is a cash award of $1500 with no strings attached.  DEADLINE for the application is February 15, 2020. Learn more