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  • By Michael Halvorson, Benson Family Chair On Tuesday, October 17, 2017, in PLU’s Scandinavian Cultural Center (Anderson UC building), Alaska Airlines CEO Brad Tilden will engage with students, faculty, and community members in a lively conversation about the past, present, and future of Alaska Airlines.…

    Airlines, Horizon Air, and Virgin America. I visited with Mr. Tilden in July with a group of PLU faculty who were organizing his return to campus as Benson lecturer. The annual Benson lecture (started in 2004) brings together faculty and students from across campus to discuss topics of interest in the worlds of business, economics, and history. This year, the format is an open conversation with Mr. Tilden, moderated by a group of PLU faculty from the departments of Religion, Philosophy, Business

  • mechanics, fluid mechanics, and some experience in either of computer programming, high performance computing, discrete element method, molecular dynamics or atomistic simulations, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), experimental investigation for rheology of soft materials and complex fluids, soil mechanics, rock friction and deformation experiments, is a plus. The research projects will be designed in collaboration with the students and will be motivated by their interests and career goals, within the

  • Benson Research Fellows Study Terminal Illness By Michael Halvorson.  Each year, the Business and Economic History program at Pacific Lutheran University awards summer research fellowships for innovative work that aligns with the mission of the University. Sarah Cornell-Maier, Benson Fellow In 2018, a student-faculty research team led by Sarah Cornell-Maier and… July 6, 2018 Business and Economic HistoryMark MulderSarah Cornell-MaierTerminal illness research

  • -campus “J-Term” courses led by PLU faculty take students around the globe to destinations ranging from Neah Bay to New Zealand, often on all seven continents. Nearly 300 students participate annually in these intensive J-Term learning experiences, which fulfill many degree requirements. Summer Programs: Short-term study away programs are also available during the summer months. PLU awards academic credit for approved programs and locations. Research Grants: The Wang Center for Global Education awards

  • defining a thriving, widely-accessible form of Lutheran Higher Education today. An Education with Foundational Core Elements/Values This value-based approach to teaching and learning differs from State/Research Universities Uniquely values the importance of critical questioning Values liberal arts as a foundation for free thinking, innovation and service (a liberating education) Luther’s two theses in “The Freedom of a Christian” were that people were free and yet called to serve others We continue to

  • -side with you on research and creative projects. No matter what you plan to do after you earn your PLU degree, you’ll have gained the experience that employers and graduate programs want.Summer research that rocksMany students take part in student-faculty summer research projects, often in the nearby forests, mountains and coastal areas. Read MoreScience happens (And so much more!)Of the numerous student-faculty research projects that take place at PLU each year, there is the science. But that is

  • Spring 2015 Research TeamVirginia Allred ‘17 (Psychology & Geology) Kelsey Barnes ‘16 (Anthropology & Art History) Michael Diambri ‘18 (History) Rachel Friedland ‘18  (Undeclared) Madeline Marello ‘18 (Psychology) Brock Martin ‘18 (Environmental Studies)Adrian Mayoral ‘15 (History) Emma McCain ‘17 (Anthropology) Savannah Phelan ‘15 (Anthropology & Religion) Shaun Spurlock ‘15 (Religion) Carli Snyder ‘16 (History & Women’s and Gender Studies)Michaella Thompson ‘16 (History & Anthropology

  • Dean Waldow's Research GroupA special thanks to the following  sponsoring organizations… Current Funding: National Science Foundation Research in Undergraduate Institutions Program, “RUI: Dicarboximide-functionalized Oxanorbornyl Homopolymers and Diblock Copolymers for Use as Solid Polymer Electrolytes,” NSF-DMR 1710549, 2017 to 2020. Past Funding: National Science Foundation Division of Materials Science – Research in Undergraduate Institutions Awards (PI) #1006250 (PI),  #0705520 (PI) Major

  • Dean Waldow's Research Group Waldow Group Research Projects Our group has a number of research directions broadly focused in the study of macromolecules.  The largest effort has been involved in the compatibilization of polymer blends with added copolymers both in the bulk and as a thin film. Other areas include the study of organic photovoltaic thin films, local segmental dynamics of copolymers in dilute solution, and the application of various synthetic technique to design and build specialty

  • When talking about locating sources for an assignment, students often remain task-oriented and focus on “finding” rather than on learning, and our own research demonstrates this remains true for many PLU students. In general, students already know how to search for information but are unable to apply what they already know into a new context. In other words, students need guidance with framing research questions, seeing patterns in the literature, weighing the relevance of evidence, and