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  • created the Puget Sound Partnership in 2007, which focused on cleaning up Puget Sound using science to get the Sound “fishable, diggable and swimmable” by 2020. The first push to clean up the Sound focused on big industry, but now, Gregoire stressed, cleanup efforts must focus on smaller cumulative causes, such as what habits each of us has that contribute to degradation of the Sound, or other bodies of water such as Hood Canal. “I think if you dove below the surface and saw the discharge areas around

  • March 2020, but it still provided many eye-opening insights into his main area of study. He took inspiration from how Costa Rica had been able to greatly reverse widespread deforestation. In the 1940s, about 75 percent of the country was covered in jungle foliage, but as much as half of that had been cleared for logging, farming and other uses by 1987, according to However, Costa Ricans were able to undo much of the damage to their biodiversity by protecting wilderness areas and

  • for the opportunity at PLU. I look forward to collaborating with the other institutional leaders with their diverse backgrounds and experiences to advance the mission of PLU athletics and the institution as a whole.” Snyder earned a bachelor’s degree in education from Bowling Green State University and a master’s degree in public administration from Southeast Missouri State. In joining PLU, Snyder succeeds interim Director of Athletics Jen Thomas, who led the department during the 2020–2021

  • . Growing up in Texas with family hailing from Long Beach and New Orleans, Thompson knew she wanted to experience the different ways of communicating, learning, and artmaking that come with being in a different place. The daughter of two educators, Thompson took her first college tour as a seventh grader—and it happened to be at PLU. And though she was “super small with four pigtails, just walking the campus,” something about the place stuck with her. × × × Graduating high school in 2020 meant that

  • Encouraging Biliteracy Through Online Learning Posted by: dupontak / May 13, 2021 May 13, 2021 By Camilla SumnerDr. Bridget Yaden, professor of Hispanic and Latino Studies at Pacific Lutheran University, served as the President of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) for the very eventful year of 2020.ACTFL is a national organization of language teachers, with a membership of more than 13,000 language educators and administrators from elementary through graduate

  • chocolate Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 9:30-1:30. Schedule appointments using this link. I started out at The School of Art Institute of Chicago where I did my graduate degree. I got a TA position my first year and then each semester I kept getting more and more TA positions. The last one, the department wanted to create a boot camp, a training on software before taking design classes. There were a couple of us in the program that were picked to do this. I got Adobe Illustrator, and I developed an

  • at a street market than out of a catalogue, where prices were jacked up by 300 percent. Her staff were “voracious” learners, and quickly trained up. But she often found that doctors and nurses went right from the American equivalent of high school, straight into a specialty for the next six years. There was very little general medical or science training. There were also the cultural differences. Doctors were expected to take one look at a patient, and know instantly what was wrong. To simply say

  • March 5, 2010 Olympic medalist encourages symposium crowd to make a difference By Barbara Clements Joey Cheek was sprawled out on a couch in 2005, wondering what he was going to do with a free afternoon after training all morning in an Austrian skating facility, when a BBC  program caught his eye. Wang Center Symposium keynote speaker Joey Cheek addresses the crowd about making a difference in the world. Women and children were running and screaming out of a village being set afire by rebels in

  • tell he’s done it.” And he has. Formerly an investment banker, Boeh completed transactions (IPOs and M&A) worth billions of dollars. That’s the point of the School of Business at PLU, Magnussen said, to be taught by people who have the academic training and real world experience. “The faculty is incredible,” Magnussen said. “That’s the thing you hear about before you even go to PLU.” The combination of strong instruction, classroom foundation, real world application, and invaluable networking opens

  • to help current PLU students find post-graduation service opportunities. Many PLU students seek service opportunities after graduating, and this panel allows students to hear from alumni about their service paths. It will give insights about how students can be proactive leaders in problems such as hunger and homelessness. This year’s alumni panelists include  Jedd Chang ’05, Peace Corps; Saiyare Refaei ’13, NWLF Urban Leaders in Training; Kathryn Boelk ’13, LVC; and Claire Smith ’10, JVC