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  • disservice.” Swenson grills small burgers for a weekend event on campus. Sourcing local Most university chefs can’t say with certainty where the meat they cook with comes from — but no one ever said PLU chefs are like most chefs. A student worker serves dinner in the University Commons. While the rest of the university moves toward the goal of being a carbon neutral by 2020, Dining Services staffers are searching for ways to reduce their own carbon footprint. They work with a number of local companies

  • children and five grandchildren, his undergraduate degree was a new kind challenge. “I felt overwhelmed. And I really questioned myself,” Brass said. “‘Is this for me? Can I do this?’ But the military instilled the will to achieve.” Brass said that first semester felt like basic training: shock and awe. But he persevered — he graduates Saturday, earning a degree in kinesiology, health and fitness promotion. “I’m ecstatic,” Brass said. “It’s hard to conceive I am graduating with a bachelor’s degree

  • had laid the groundwork, Le Chambon was more than equal to the task – right in their own small corner of the world. While it is important to be global citizens concerned and engaged with the larger world, the training grounds for our ethical action starts in Parkland. How do we respond to the very real needs in our midst? What will we do when someone comes to our door, to my door, in need? A display from PLU’s “Day of Vocation” in 2016 Second, we can respond authentically from our own identity