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  • Biology Courses Take the following two introductory courses: BIOL 225: Molecules, Cells and Organisms BIOL 226: Genes, Evolution, Diversity and Ecology You might also consider taking some of the

    help with hand-eye coordination and/or dexterity.Chemistry Courses Take the following two course sequence in General Chemistry: CHEM 115 (General Chemistry I) CHEM 116 (General Chemistry II) Take the following two course sequence in Organic Chemistry: CHEM 331/333 (Organic Chemistry I + laboratory) CHEM 332/334 or 346 (Organic Chemistry II + laboratory) Some dental schools require one semester of biochemistry. Please make sure you look at the requirements of individual schools.English/Public

  • Biology Courses Take the following two introductory courses: BIOL 225: Molecules, Cells and Organisms BIOL 226: Genes, Evolution, Diversity and Ecology You might also consider taking some of the

    help with hand-eye coordination and/or dexterity.Chemistry Courses Take the following two course sequence in General Chemistry: CHEM 115 (General Chemistry I) CHEM 116 (General Chemistry II) Take the following two course sequence in Organic Chemistry: CHEM 331/333 (Organic Chemistry I + laboratory) CHEM 332/334 or 346 (Organic Chemistry II + laboratory) Some dental schools require one semester of biochemistry. Please make sure you look at the requirements of individual schools.English/Public

  • WSU is recruiting interns for the NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) that is connected to the NSF center on Bioplastics and Biocomposites (CB2). This is a great opportunity for students to gain hands on research experience in the fast-growing field of sustainable materials.  This…

    of bioplastics and biocomposites. The students will gain hands-on experience with synthesis, processing, and characterization of biobased plastics and composite materials. The REU program will continue for 3 years, i.e. Summer ’17, Summer ’18, and Summer ’19. Each year, 10 students (recruited primarily from academic institutions where research programs in STEM are limited) will work on research conducted by the CB2, with 5 students conducting their research at Washington State University and 5

  • Assistant Professor of Chemistry | Department of Chemistry | | 253-535-7555

    Chemical Society, Radical transport pathway of ribonucleotide reductase, Boston, MA (June 2023) Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, PCET in Ribonucleotide Reductase, Synthesis and Electrochemistry of Unnatural Tryptophan Analogues, Vancouver, BC, Canada (June 2023) ACS Spring 2023: Crossroads of Chemistry, Proton transfer network at the subunit interface of ribonucleotide reductase supports radical transport, Indianapolis, IN and virtual (March 2023) Selected Articles Song, D. Y.; Stubbe, J

    Contact Information
    Office Hours
    Mon: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Thu: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
    Fri: 9:30 am - 10:30 am
    Mon - Fri: -
  • The University of North Texas’ Chemistry Department Graduate Program Preview Day is December 17th , 2022 from 10am-12pm . This is a free virtual session meant to inform prospective students of the opportunities available at UNT for those wanting to pursue a graduate degree in…

    research has been recognized nationally and internationally. UNT is ranked as a Tier One research university in the Carnegie Classification. The Department offers graduate programs leading to PhD, MS and Professional MS degrees. The research interests of the chemistry faculty span the traditional areas of analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry. The majority of the faculty at the Department are engaged in multidisciplinary research areas such as chemistry education, computational

  • Award: $1,500 Deadline: March 1 of each year Please submit all required parts of the application (except letters of recommendation, which will be sent directly by the recommender) to the current Education Committee Chair (see contact info below). PDFs preferred. Eligibility: Applicants must be currently…

    in the ACS Puget Sound Section (for a list of colleges in our section please visit our website) and plan to continue their undergraduate education during the fall. Have completed one year of general chemistry and completed or concurrently enrolled in organic chemistry. Intend to pursue a major in chemistry, chemical engineering, biochemistry, or related field involving a curriculum emphasizing chemistry coursework. Number: Minimum 1 and maximum 2 scholarships Contact: Jennie Mayer, Education

  • Senior Physics capstone presentations will take place Wednesday, May 18th starting at 2pm in Morken 103.

    , and the drag coefficient is analyzed for experimental viability. 2:15pm Duncan Haddock – “Optimization of Organic Electrochemical Transistors” Weight fraction blends of a charge-conductive and an-ion conductive ROMP-based polymers were used in an analysis, characterization, and optimization of ion transport through organic electrochemical transistors. 2:30pm Kyle Cross – “Analysis of a double pendulum” A two-armed double pendulum was constructed, and video of its movement was analyzed using

  • From UW-Tacoma: UWT is looking to hire 12 full-time, temporary instructors for the Math-Science-Leadership (MSL) Summer Program at UW Tacoma from June 23rd – August 2nd . MSL is a free program for current 6th – 11th graders, hosted on UW Tacoma’s campus.  MSL is designed to…

    a current college student, recent college grad or educator that is passionate about working with underrepresented populations in STEM, here is the link for more information on the MSL Summer Instructor Position: Here is a list of specific themes we will focus on this summer: Aquatic Organic Chemistry Cyber Security DNA Forensics Environmental Health Science Robotics Video Game Design If you have

  • Biology Courses Take the following two required introductory biology courses: BIOL 225: Molecules, Cells and Organisms BIOL 226: Genes, Evolution, Diversity and Ecology You might also consider some

    intended to demonstrate competency in grammar and composition as well as comprehension and analysis of written work. In general, the English requirement is met by taking courses that medical schools would recognize as writing or literature courses. Chemistry Courses Take the following two-course sequence in general chemistry: CHEM 115 (General Chemistry I)* CHEM 116 (General Chemistry II) Take the following two-course sequence in organic chemistry: CHEM 331/333 (Organic Chemistry I + laboratory) CHEM

  • Biology Courses Take the following two required introductory biology courses: BIOL 225: Molecules, Cells and Organisms BIOL 226: Genes, Evolution, Diversity and Ecology You might also consider some

    intended to demonstrate competency in grammar and composition as well as comprehension and analysis of written work. In general, the English requirement is met by taking courses that medical schools would recognize as writing or literature courses. Chemistry Courses Take the following two-course sequence in general chemistry: CHEM 115 (General Chemistry I)* CHEM 116 (General Chemistry II) Take the following two-course sequence in organic chemistry: CHEM 331/333 (Organic Chemistry I + laboratory) CHEM