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  • had as many opportunities available to them. “Giving something back” is certainly something these students, along with many others at PLU, have in common. Giving back to other transfer students, to the congregation, to those who are less fortunate. “Each transfer student is different, but that is why they are so valuable,” Pretty said. “Every individual journey they have taken makes the PLU community that much stronger.” And clearly, we all are better for it. Read Previous Modern space Read Next

  • democracy, social issues came up including alcoholism and unemployment. The Good Father Project reaches out to men and holds them up to the community as such,  through photos, essays and support groups, Nelson said. It’s a country of incredible vistas, rolling out toward a distant horizon, without a tree or mountain to interrupt the view. Yurts sport solar panels and satellite dishes. Camels, donkeys and goats share the streets with SUVs or Lexuses. “I think the mixture of modern and traditional

  • , bass flute, harmonica, alto and soprano saxophones), Drew Gibbs (piano, hand percussion, drum kit), Phil Lawson (guitar) and Steve Luceno (string bass, seven-string guitar, vocals). The group’s first CD was released in May. In performance, the band plays originals, Brazilian music (modern choros and Hermeto Pascoal tunes) and a mix of personalized jazz and pop standards. Stuff the Bus In association with the Community in Schools of Tacoma and the Tacoma School District, PLU’s Administrative Staff

  • hatred and prejudice, including direct statements disavowing racism, anti-Semitism and discrimination in law or policy related to sexual orientation or gender identity. In 1993, the ELCA published a call to confront racism, to engage in public leadership and to advocate for justice. In 1994, the ELCA Churchwide Assembly adopted the “Declaration of ELCA to Jewish Community,” which repudiates anti-Judaism and its modern successor, anti-Semitism. A policy resolution, adopted by the Churchwide Assembly

  • in the Symbol of the Cross” Abstract: The symbol of the cross is central to Christianity, yet creates harmful implications. I reviewed feminist critiques of Luther’s theology of the cross to assess its modern interpretations and redemptive value. The context of Jesus’ life and resurrection is essential to include in what the cross represents. Why I Majored in Religion: Growing up in the Lutheran tradition created my initial interest in studying religion. The Religion department at PLU provided a

  • exhibition celebrating this remarkable document opened on May 17, 2014 (the constitution’s 200th anniversary), at the Eidsvoll Center in Norway—and now that same exhibition will hold its exclusive U.S. premiere at Pacific Lutheran University’s Scandinavian Cultural Center. The exhibition, 1814-2014: Red White and Blue–Norwegian Constitution, American Inspiration, is made up of works by 10 renowned Norwegian modern artists—together it’s a visual exploration of themes ranging from freedom and stability to

  • professors there taught me how to become not only a better scholar but also a more thoughtful and engaged human being.” Loberg, whose area of expertise is modern European history, centered her article on the perspectives and uses of the city streets of Berlin during the 1920s and ’30s. She discusses how the city landscape translated and revealed the struggle of the political and economic crises of the period. By using different types of research tools, including police reports, photographs, newspaper

  • term BIPOC be both inclusive and exclusive? 7) Do we have a responsibility to introduce these words into our vocabulary? Why or why not? 7) What questions do you still have about… Anti-Blackness? Anti-Racism? Decolonization? BIPOC? References Ta-Nehisi Coates Between the World and Me Christopher S. Collins & Alexander Jun White Out: Understanding White Privilege and Dominance in the Modern Age Richard Delgado & Jean Stefancic Critical Race Theory: An Introduction W. E. B. Du Bois The Souls of Black

  • ; Master of Fine Arts (Creative Writing); Joint Degree MSN/MBA; Doctor of Nursing Practice; Doctor of Education. Undergraduate Majors: Anthropology, Applied Physics (BS), Art History, Biology (BA, BS), Business (BBA), Chemistry (BA, BS), Chinese Studies, Classical Languages, Classical Studies, Communication (BAC), Communication Studies (BA), Computer Engineering (BS), Computer Science (BA, BS), Earth Science (BA, BS), Economics, Elementary Education (BAE), Engineering Dual-Degree, English

  • this journey,” said Lisosky. “We have elders, African-American alumni, Chinese and nontraditionals participating. A variety of perspectives in an entirely new environment makes this a very rich experience.” And, in some cases, a very personal one. “Being in Africa has given me a great perspective on how I have developed as a person, given my background as a black American, and how beautiful it is to meet Africans who have been to America,” said Reese. The film crew visited ‘Namibia Nine’ narrator