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  • Locals embrace Lutes as they meet living legends, learn about vibrant events such as Carnival and Panorama, and develop valuable racial consciousness within a multicultural society that celebrates

    discuss racial difference and fear of white guilt, Temple-Thurston said, Trinidad is the antithesis. “I wanted a shift in their racial consciousness,” she said of students who travel there. The diversity-interested program was the first of its kind to arrive in Trinidad and Tobago. It intentionally thrusts students into the thick of cultural diversity. #LutesAwayView social media posts by Lutes who are making a difference all over the world. “Trinidadians say it like it is,” Temple-Thurston said. “It

  • TACOMA, WASH. (August 10, 2015)- Each summer PLU students fan out across the globe — working, researching, studying or just plain relaxing. Many students leverage the summer months as an opportunity to add depth to their resumes by completing internships at local and corporate businesses,…

    getting that column published was validating. Another great moment was when Macklemore came to Spokane, shooting a secretive new music video, and news outlets were scrambling to get pictures, video and information. I ended up getting pretty good cellphone video from a friend’s Snapchat who filmed him dancing with a full crew of dancers, making that into a video clip and writing a blog post that allowed me to expand on what I knew about hip-hop and Macklemore’s history. No other outlet had video or

  • will demonstrate an understanding of the diverse perspectives of those who experienced and drew meaning from the Holocaust and other genocides. 4. By reflecting deeply on the Holocaust and other genocides students will challenge and complicate their own assumptions about human behavior and decisions and enhance their own capacities for critical self-reflection and ethical decision-making. 5. Throughout the program, students will practice and strengthen their intellectual and civic skills, including

  • more than just a classroom education. The marketing program is designed to provide students with a focused knowledge of marketing and its role in society. Marketing students are required to complete courses in consumer behavior, marketing research, marketing management as well as one other marketing elective. In addition, students will participate in several service-learning projects throughout the marketing curriculum solving real-world problems for local businesses and/or nonprofit organizations

  • It’s been 25 years since David Akuien ’10 was separated from his mother at age 5, 16 years since he came to the United States as an orphan.

    a black man. I’m a second-class citizen here with the set of struggles that come with that. To this day I experience racism essentially wherever I go in America. People making assumptions about me before they even meet me. Having this color of skin is a death sentence here when it comes to leading a normal American life. I can’t even go down the street on a nice day a lot of times without someone thinking I am a dangerous person. This color of skin isn’t associated with good things in America

  • By Damian Alessandro ’19 The Innovation Studies program at Pacific Lutheran University is interested in the diverse environments innovation can be found in, including the entertainment industry. The popularity of HBO’s blockbuster show, Game of Thrones, highlights an important place to study innovation principles. Spoiler…

    moving past the familiar terrain of the books. In addition, the show runners Benioff and Weiss have failed to maintain the creative storytelling that was consistent in the books. Rather than remain a core focus on the sociological, Thrones became focused on individual heroics and villainy, making it more difficult to kill off major characters. Rather than subverting expectations in a way that was emotionally succinct and logical according to the rules of the Game, unexpected things have happened

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Sept. 28, 2016) – The Pacific Lutheran University Department of Languages and Literatures  will host the Tournées Film Festival this fall for screenings of nine recently released films representing a wide variety of cultures and historical periods. (Film trailers and descriptions below.) A…

    chose six films out of 27 on offer from the FACE (French American Cultural Exchange) Foundation. Our criterion in making the selection was to bring a diverse set of films to campus that would not only feature the languages and cultures studied in the Department of Languages and Literatures, but also would speak to issues of interest to many on campus: migration, human rights, environmental degradation, collective memory. We reached out to faculty members from art history, nursing, marriage and

  • Occupational Health and Safety Manual. The first consideration of the safety program at Pacific Lutheran University is the well-being of its students, faculty, and staff.

    necessary and to provide employees with treatment for very minor injuries. The decision to send an employee for medical treatment lies with the immediate supervisor and the employee.  Employees must be allowed to seek medical treatment, if they believe it is necessary. If the supervisor believes medical treatment is necessary, the employee should comply. An injury form must be completed and submitted to Human Resources as soon as possible after an injury-causing incident has occurred. The Safety

    Current Hours
    Monday: 0:00am-0:00pm
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    Department of Environmental Health & Safety
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  • The Dept. of Psychology is honored to present our senior capstone presentations. May 14, 2020 Download the ProgramZoom Room 1Jon Grahe & Andrew FranksNot A Sure Thing: Comparing Bayesian and Quantum Models of Decision Making. *   Clara Elizabeth College Student Perceptions of Various Target Groups. *   William Goff & Meghan Kajc-Nelson Memory & Meaning: The Effect of Language on Short-Term Memory. **   Maria Anderson, Stephanie Knaack, Alisha Nkwonta Effects of Red on a Performance Task

  • utility investments, how power plants respond to transboundary air pollution regulation, and how uncertainty affects individual decision making under low-probability high-severity outcomes. Outside of the classroom, he can often be found mountain biking or hiking with his family.