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  • Little Rock, received the grant for their ongoing project titled “An Edition and Translation of Selections from Louise Dupin’s Philosophical Treatise, The Work on Women.” The project aims to present the work of Enlightenment French feminist, author, and philosopher Louise Dupin to a wide audience for the first time by translating and editing a selection of her most important political and philosophical ideas in an approachable anthology. “Making Dupin’s work more accessible to a new generation of

  • Course DescriptionsThis list is intended to be an overview of our class offerings, so that you can get an idea of what to expect when enrolling in Economics at PLU.  For a complete list of course offerings and concentrations see the PLU Course Catalog. ECON 101 : Principles of Microeconomics - ES Introduces the study of economic decision making by firms and individuals and analyzes the effect of public policies on these. Economic tools and concepts such as markets, supply and demand, efficiency

  • Choosing a MajorWhere Do I Begin? Choosing a major is an important decision, one that should not be hurried. The time that you give to the PROCESS of making this decision will be well spent. Making a major decision too quickly or without enough information may only lead to frustration, especially if you later find that the field bores you or that you don’t have the necessary skillsDid you know?PLU has four professional schools and more than 30 majors – each with several areas of emphasis!For

  • individuals and groups interpret reality and human experience. Students will understand and explain how individuals, groups, and communities experience and interpret the world. Students will identify and examine the beliefs and values that inform their own decision making. Students will draw conclusions that consider multiple perspectives and prioritize relevant evidence. The Academic Study of Religion (RL)The Academic Study of Religion (4 credits): Students will engage in critical and empathetic analysis

  • A graduate of the Master of Social Work program:1.Will demonstrate advanced professional and ethical behavior, including ethical decision-making, using reflection & self-regulation, demonstrating professional demeanor, and applying interventions from anti-racist and anti-oppressive lenses. #vc-pricing-table-66f6eca27f0a8 .wpb-plan-features li::before { content: ""; display: inline-block; margin: 0 10px 0 0; width: 18px; height: 18px; vertical-align: middle; background: url("data:image/svg+xml

  • EnviroShorts Work Order Request FormPLU’s Environmental Services Department manages all aspects of Cleaning and Waste Diversion on Campus.Environmental Services does cleaning and trash pick up for all academic and residential buildings, common areas, office complexes, classrooms, and events. Environmental Services is devoted to making our campus as sustainable as possible. Here is what we have done to help the initiative: Our toilet tissue is 100% recycled with a minimum of 20% post consumer waste. Our

  • important things to remember! Washing your hands for 20-30 seconds with soap and warm water helps to prevent the spread of colds/flu and keeps you healthy!RestYour body is working hard to fight off your cold or flu, and making sure you are getting plenty of rest and sleep is important.Lozenges and Hard CandyThese help to moisten and relieve a sore throat and come in a variety of flavors and kinds.Powell, D. (2006). Healthier at home: The proven guide to self-care & being a wise health consumer

  • The week leading up to the May 1 National College Decision Day is now officially #WhyPLU Week!We know you may have lots of questions, or just a few left, about PLU. Our hope is this week you can have your #WhyPLU moment while getting your last-minute questions answered. Utilize our open Zoom times with admission counselors or our formal Q&A webinar with PLU’s President and Associate Dean of Admission. And get ready to head to campus for our May 1 New Lute Celebration! While this is technically

  • Choosing your MajorChoosing a MajorExplore your InterestsWho am I?What are my options?I've Decided...Now What?I'm Still not SureChoosing a Major Where Do I Begin? Choosing a major is an important decision, one that should not be hurried. The time that you give to the PROCESS of making this decision will be well spent. Making a major decision too quickly or without enough information may only lead to frustration, especially if you later find that the field bores you or that you don’t have the

  • process voluntarily. Sexual ActivityIntentional contact with the breast, buttock, groin, or genitals, or touching another with any of these body parts, or making someone touch another person with or on any of these body parts; any other intentional bodily contact in a sexual manner. Intercourse (anal, oral, or vaginal), however slight, with any object. In the context of this policy, Sexual Activity may also include the conduct preliminary to or involved in Sexual Harassment, Sexual Exploitation, and