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  • Pacific Lutheran University Inaugural Address By President Thomas W. Krise Before we get started, I’d like to have a word with the brand new freshmen and transfer students. You are, after all, MY class.  We all become Lutes together today. I have proof that…

    Library. Or prepare yourself to literally change the world just like William Foege, M.D., Class of 1956, who was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom this May for devising the global strategy for the eradication of smallpox when he served as Director of the Centers for Disease Control. And among your own near contemporaries, four members of the Class of 2012 showed great promise for the future by winning Fulbright Scholarships, bringing to 91 the number of Fulbrights won by Lutes. These awards

  • A year of achievement and a Decade of Change Dear Colleagues and Friends, It is a great joy for me to welcome each of you to University Fall Conference as we prepare to launch the 2010-2011 academic year, the 121st year in the life of…

    Charitable Trust funds the scientific exploration of the natural world and supports projects that will enhance the quality of life in the Pacific Northwest. Prominent among Murdock grants last year were three awarded to PLU assistant professors of biology. Michael Behrens, Julie Smith and Jacob Egge received grants totaling more than 120,000 dollars to fund two years of student-faculty research looking into the ecology of the Pacific Northwest and species divergence in several Mississippi river

  • The Spanish word, Duende (du-end-ay), has come to refer to the mysterious power that art has to deeply move a person. Soon-to-be graduates in the Department of Art and Design chose this word to rally around for their senior exhibition in the University Gallery, opening…

    subject. I’ve explored employing various stylistic choices in my recent Capstone work pertaining to Alzheimer’s, and my late grandmother’s experiences with the disease. My grandmother, in the advanced stages of her disease, would tell stories about her life and recall the general circumstances of a situation but with few specific details, rarely remembering even her own children, or where she was during a certain memory. To represent this, some paintings feature increasingly painterly brush- strokes

  • In their own words By Chris Albert Soon new PLU graduates will go out into the world. In the following, some Lutes share their stories of why they came to PLU, what their experiences have been and what’s the next chapter in their lives. More…

    it causes disease. One of the big diseases that we will focus on will be Huntington’s. After I get my Ph.D., I want to be a professor at a small personal institution like PLU because it has left its mark and the professors I have encountered have inspired me to be like them. But if there is anything that I have learned from PLU, it is to keep an open mind and follow your passion wherever it leads. Lynsey Tveit – Bachelor of Arts in elementary education with an English language learners