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On Thursday, February 20, the 2014 SOAC Focus Series on Entrepreneurship will kick off with the Black History Month Concert in Lagerquist Concert Hall. Directed by David Deacon-Joyner, the concert plays tribute to the entrepreneurship of African-Americans featuring the legacy of their music, literature, and…
Black History Month Concert kicks off 2014 SOAC Focus Series on Entrepreneurship Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / January 21, 2014 January 21, 2014 On Thursday, February 20, the 2014 SOAC Focus Series on Entrepreneurship will kick off with the Black History Month Concert in Lagerquist Concert Hall. Directed by David Deacon-Joyner, the concert plays tribute to the entrepreneurship of African-Americans featuring the legacy of their music, literature, and art. A joint effort by the PLU School of Arts
A scene on the Li River in Guilin China. (Photograph by Tiffany Endicott in 2005) A rather soggy ride convinces professor to take a look at water By Barbara Clements Terje Tvedt didn’t expect to become immersed in the issue of water, but the professor…
had previously published a monograph on the river called “The River Nile in the Age of the British. Political Ecology and the Quest for Economic Power” I’ve written a bibliography on the Nile and now have written a history of the Nile covering 5,000 years and 11 countries up to today. I’m also finishing up a documentary on the river. Q: Do you conserve water where you live? Tvedt: I don’t have a water garden, and live a very modest life, with limited demand for water or anything else. And in
By Michael Halvorson ’85, Benson Family Chair in Business and Economic History Are you curious about innovative historical research projects that are transforming PLU? PLU’s Business and Economic History Program invites you to learn more at a presentation of creative scholarship by the 2021 Benson…
Summer Research Fellows Share Results PLU Students Share their Research Findings on Wednesday, November 3, 2021 Posted by: halvormj / October 15, 2021 October 15, 2021 By Michael Halvorson ’85, Benson Family Chair in Business and Economic History Are you curious about innovative historical research projects that are transforming PLU? PLU’s Business and Economic History Program invites you to learn more at a presentation of creative scholarship by the 2021 Benson Foundation Summer Research
By Michael Halvorson, Benson Chair in Business and Economic History. On Friday, December 8, 2017, three PLU students will present the results of their summer research projects in a public presentation connected to PLU’s Business and Economic History program. The presenters are Michael Diambri, Teresa…
Benson Student Research Fellows to Present at PLU Posted by: halvormj / November 7, 2017 November 7, 2017 By Michael Halvorson, Benson Chair in Business and Economic History. On Friday, December 8, 2017, three PLU students will present the results of their summer research projects in a public presentation connected to PLU’s Business and Economic History program. The presenters are Michael Diambri, Teresa Hackler, and Alex Lund, and each spent the summer of 2017 working with a faculty mentor to
On Wednesday, April 5, 2023, History majors Kara Atkinson and Austin Karr present on their student-faculty research projects. Please join us in Admin 101 from 4:00pm – 5:00pm!
Benson Research Fellows to Present Kara Atkinson and Austin Karr explore business and economic history on April 5 Posted by: halvormj / March 31, 2023 March 31, 2023 On Wednesday, April 5, 2023, History majors Kara Atkinson and Austin Karr present on their student-faculty research projects. Please join us in Admin 101 from 4:00pm – 5:00pm! Read Previous Summer Research Fellows Share Results Read Next Recording of Glory M. Liu’s 2023 Benson Lecture Released LATEST POSTS Recording of Glory M
Friends of 88.5 FM and Pacific Lutheran University reach agreement for the sale of KPLU Contributions of $7 million from 18,000 donors preserve KPLU as an independent, community-licensed public radio station Tacoma, WA — Pacific Lutheran University and Friends of 88.5 FM, a nonprofit community…
nonprofit community organization formed to preserve local National Public Radio affiliate KPLU, announced today that they have reached an agreement that will allow Friends of 88.5 to assume ownership of the station pending approval by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). On Nov. 12, 2015, PLU and the University of Washington announced PLU’s intent to sell its broadcasting rights and facilities associated with KPLU to KUOW. Following listener outcry, the two universities agreed, in early January
Kara Atkinson ’23 earned an associate degree while serving as an Arabic linguist in the United States Army prior to her arrival at PLU. A history major with minors in religion and Holocaust and genocide studies , Atkinson’s passion for research, academia, and higher education…
with minors in religion and Holocaust and genocide studies, Atkinson’s passion for research, academia, and higher education developed at PLU through her collaborative research with professors, her tenure as president of Phi Alpha Theta (PLU’s history honors society), and her work as PLU’s Vet Corps Navigator. What led you down the path of becoming an Arabic linguist? Out of the jobs available to me as a woman in the military in 2014, becoming a linguist was one of the things that I was most
On Wednesday, April 5, 2023, History majors Kara Atkinson and Austin Karr present on their student-faculty research projects. Please join us in Admin 101 from 4:00pm – 5:00pm!
Benson Research Fellows to Present Kara Atkinson and Austin Karr explore business and economic history on April 5 Posted by: halvormj / March 31, 2023 March 31, 2023 On Wednesday, April 5, 2023, History majors Kara Atkinson and Austin Karr present on their student-faculty research projects. Please join us in Admin 101 from 4:00pm – 5:00pm! Read Previous Neurotechnology Lecture “Enhancement” Read Next 10 Innovation Studies Students Graduate LATEST POSTS A History of the Innovation Studies
Your investment in scholarships is an investment in the personal and economic well-being of individuals and our communities. With your support, students will join generations of Lutes who are thought leaders, engaged community members, and local leaders. With increasingly diverse lived experiences, their presence on…
BJUG DAY: Q&A with Scholarship Recipient Lauren Mendez ’15 Posted by: Silong Chhun / October 28, 2021 October 28, 2021 By Veronice CrakerMarketing & CommunicationsYour investment in scholarships is an investment in the personal and economic well-being of individuals and our communities. With your support, students will join generations of Lutes who are thought leaders, engaged community members, and local leaders. With increasingly diverse lived experiences, their presence on our campus
Donors share value of Holocaust Education Last week, stories of survival and the lessons of history were on the forefront of many people’s minds. On Oct. 21, more than 150 people gathered for the Second Annual Powell and Heller Family Conference in support of Holocaust…
position. The Powell and Heller families have been committed to teaching the lessons of the Holocaust. That commitment is evident in the $1.5 million they have helped raise to create a chair position for the program. Two million dollars more is needed, but the drive and desire to never forget the lessons history can teach people are there, Powell said. “I believe everyone can make a difference,” she said. “I have witnessed this here at PLU.” The Holocaust is forever engrained in the life of Harry
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