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  • Dear campus community, Pacific Lutheran University’s community is deeply rooted in care. It is in our mission to continue creating a campus environment that welcomes, values and protects the voices and vocations of our community members and recognizes the humanity in all of us —…

    for many. First, the congressional hearings for the Supreme Court nomination surfaced memories of trauma for many sexual assault survivors. Now, the federal government’s potential move to narrowly define gender under Title IX will place an increased burden on transgender, non-binary and other LGBTQ community members. In the past week, the nation has experienced three hate-filled crimes that have left many reeling. On Wednesday, a man with a history of violence shot and killed two African Americans

  • TACOMA, Wash. (March 4, 2015)—Since its founding in 1990, Pacific Lutheran University’s Women’s Center has empowered women and their allies to become advocates for gender equity and social justice. Along the way, through education, counseling, mentoring and even celebration, its staff, volunteers and community have…

    Center “I put off writing this simply because when I thought about how to convey the impact of the Women’s Center in my life, I became overwhelmed. How could I put into words how deeply the Center had impacted me, both professionally and personally? Would whatever I wrote do that justice? The following is my best attempt to do so: When I arrived as a new employee on the PLU campus in the fall of 2006, I was looking for a place to connect with the larger university community. I had made several

  • by Jenna Stoeber Christmas break is nearing, and with it comes a chance for faculty to catch their breath after a long and hard fall—before revving back up for another semester. The holiday break is ideal for exploring new methods of teaching, so why not…

    Using Google Maps in the Classroom: Teaching an old software new tricks Posted by: Jenna S / November 30, 2015 November 30, 2015 by Jenna Stoeber Christmas break is nearing, and with it comes a chance for faculty to catch their breath after a long and hard fall—before revving back up for another semester. The holiday break is ideal for exploring new methods of teaching, so why not start small by finding innovative ways of using familiar, ubiquitous technology? Whether you’re going across the

  • Hubert Locke, a renowned Holocaust scholar and dean emeritus of the Daniel J Evans Graduate School of Public Affairs at the University of Washington talked about was Martin Niemoeller during the Fall Holocaust Lecture. Martin Niemoeller: One man’s journey of conscience reviewed at Holocaust lecture…

    while protecting converted Christians in his church. “He wasn’t a principal person in the resistance,” Locke noted. “But he was a member of the “Pastors Emergency League” that resisted the Nazis growing influence over the church. It was unclear what Niemoeller thought of the Jews in general, or of their gradual disappearance from public life in Germany, noted Locke. Niemoeller’s letters from prison were full of casual remarks and once and awhile he’d inquire about a friend. Often, Locke said, his

  • The goal of these programs is to provide early stage students first hand experience with cutting-edge research in a range of departments, including Biology, Chemistry, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, and more. These summer research experiences for undergraduate’s (REU)’s are ten-week research-immersion internship programs…

    to predict and analyze biological functions sufficiently to understand complex biological phenomena, reprogram cells to perform new tasks, and prevent diseases. Students from a range of majors are encouraged to apply, including biology, bioengineering, chemistry, chemical engineering, ecology, environmental science, physics, computer science, statistics, or related engineering fields. BioXFEL REU: Hosted by IBB, students in this REU will engage in hands-on research studying the structure

  • Pacific Lutheran University Professor of Biology Amy Siegesmund is the recipient of the American Society for Microbiology’s 2023 Carski Award for Undergraduate Teaching. The award recognizes a university educator for outstanding teaching of microbiology to undergraduate students. What I love about teaching microbiology is that…

    Society for Microbiology's 2023 Carski Award for Undergraduate Teaching. The award recognizes a university educator for outstanding teaching of microbiology to undergraduate students.What I love about teaching microbiology is that I get to share with students a discipline that I am passionate about and excites me every day,” said Siegesmund. “I get the opportunity to bring students together in a learning community to understand how the microbial world is intricately tied to our lives and our deaths

  • Pacific Lutheran University Professor of Biology Amy Siegesmund is the recipient of the American Society for Microbiology’s 2023 Carski Award for Undergraduate Teaching. The award recognizes a university educator for outstanding teaching of microbiology to undergraduate students. What I love about teaching microbiology is that…

    Society for Microbiology's 2023 Carski Award for Undergraduate Teaching. The award recognizes a university educator for outstanding teaching of microbiology to undergraduate students.What I love about teaching microbiology is that I get to share with students a discipline that I am passionate about and excites me every day,” said Siegesmund. “I get the opportunity to bring students together in a learning community to understand how the microbial world is intricately tied to our lives and our deaths

  • TACOMA, WASH. (April 21, 2016)- Senior Tyler Dobies and first-year Caitlin Johnston say spring break changed their lives. While some Pacific Lutheran University students may have gone on vacation or had fun in the sun, other Lutes – like Johnston and Dobies – were busy…

    Center for Global and Community Engaged Education. In partnership with the PLU Diversity Center, the trip sent eight students to Georgia and South Carolina to study environmental justice in a civil rights context. The trip focused largely on the history of racism and slavery, the importance of primary resources in an economic context and modern devices in society that unjustly divide people into different socioeconomic and racial areas. “The whole experience was very meaningful,” Dobies said. “It put

  • The UMass Lowell Physics Department is a leader in nuclear physics, radiation science, terahertz technologies, advanced materials, photonics device fabrication techniques, and biomedical photonics applications. Our campus is located twenty-five miles northwest of Boston, with a student population of over 18,500. We have 30 full-time…

    full-time faculty, approximately 70 graduate students and over 100 undergraduate majors in the Department of Physics and Applied Physics. The Department has external grant and contract funding of over $10 million per year. Faculty research areas include advanced materials, astronomy and astrophysics, biomedical optics, biophysics, cosmology, medical physics, electromagnetic metamaterials, nanoscience and laser applications, nuclear physics (both fundamental and applied), photonics, plasma physics

  • PLU’s music faculty welcomes their newest hire, Cassio Vianna. The native of Brazil brings with him an extensive resume of teaching, composing, and performing jazz music. This year, he’ll begin a new journey channeling his passion into educating and inspiring PLU students as director of…

    New Director of Jazz Studies, Cassio Vianna Posted by: Kate Williams / March 14, 2019 March 14, 2019 By Mackenzie Cooper '19PLU’s music faculty welcomes their newest hire, Cassio Vianna. The native of Brazil brings with him an extensive resume of teaching, composing, and performing jazz music. This year, he’ll begin a new journey channeling his passion into educating and inspiring PLU students as director of the University Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Combos, as well as teaching History of Jazz