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  • Instructional Designer | PLU Teaching Online | bodewedl@plu.edu | 253-535-7572 | Dana is a staff member in the Office of the Provost and has been employed at PLU since August 2013.

    Dana Shreaves Instructional Designer Phone: 253-535-7572 Email: bodewedl@plu.edu Office Location:Mortvedt Library - Room 329 Status:Working Remotely Biography Biography Dana is a staff member in the Office of the Provost and has been employed at PLU since August 2013. She works with faculty and staff on projects related to teaching, learning, and technology through consultations, workshops, presentations, and special events like the PLUTO Institute. Dana leads PLUTO programming for the

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  • Clinical Instructor of Nursing | School of Nursing | tbreier@plu.edu

    Tyler Breier, DNP, RN, PHN Clinical Instructor of Nursing Email: tbreier@plu.edu Professional Education Doctor of Nursing Practice , Population Health and Systems Leadership, University of Washington, 2023 Areas of Emphasis or Expertise Community Clinicals - Semesters 2 and 3 Organizational and Economic Contexts of Care Public Health, Community/Population Health, Public Health Policy, Complex Health Systems, LGBTQIA+ health disparities Child Care Health program with Public Health - Seattle

  • Professor Emeritus | Master of Business Administration | Dr.

    Kory Brown, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus Professional Biography Education Ph.D., Management & Strategy, University of Utah, 2010 M.B.A., Idaho State University, 1995 B.S.E.E., Brigham Young University, 1991 Areas of Emphasis or Expertise Corporate Strategy Entrepreneurship Global Management Collaborative Innovation Selected Publications Accolades Professional Achievement Award – Idaho State University, 2016 Wells Fargo Award for Outstanding Teaching – Pacific Lutheran University, 2012 Dean’s

  • Lecturer | School of Music, Theatre & Dance | delator@plu.edu | 253-535-7602 | Active as a performer, teacher, adjudicator, curator, and scholar, Dr.

    MTNA Northwest Division Competition finals, the Spokane Piano Competition, Pacific Lutheran University’s Concerto Competition, the Washington State Music Teachers Association Outstanding Artist Competition, and the Performing Arts Festival of the Eastside. Having taught Piano Ensemble, private lessons and music analysis at PLU, Ricardo also serves as an instructor for the Community Music program at the University of Puget Sound and was on faculty at East Central University in Oklahoma, teaching a

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    Office Hours
    Mon - Fri: -
  • Associate Professor | Department of Computer Science | caora@plu.edu | 253-535-7409 | My research interest is mainly focused on developing and applying machine learning and data mining techniques to solve biomedical problems, such as human genome data analysis and protein structure predictions.

    , 2008 Areas of Emphasis or Expertise Machine learning Data science Bioinformatics Selected Presentations 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB), Large-Scale Model Quality Assessment for Improving Protein Tertiary Structure Prediction (2015) The 5th International Conference on Wireless Communications Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM, Apply Modified Method of Nonlinear Optimization to Improve Localization Accuracy in WSN, Beijing (2009) Selected

    Contact Information
    Office Hours
    Mon: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
    Mon - Fri: -
  • Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | ceynarml@plu.edu | 253-535-7297 | “Remember that Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did, but she did it backwards and in high heels” – attributed to Ann Richards I became interested in psychology as an undergraduate at the University of Northern Colorado.

    issues and prejudice Books Early Psychological Research Contributions of Women of Color, Volume 1 (Routledge 2023) : View Book Accolades Faculty Excellence Award in Teaching 2015-2016, Pacific Lutheran University Biography “Remember that Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did, but she did it backwards and in high heels” – attributed to Ann Richards I became interested in psychology as an undergraduate at the University of Northern Colorado. I was lucky to have three professors who piqued

    Contact Information
    Office Hours
    Mon: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
    Wed: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
    Mon - Fri: -
  • Associate Professor | School of Business | kha@plu.edu | 253-535-7305 | Dr.

    Kyoungnam Catherine Ha, Ph.D. Associate Professor Phone: 253-535-7305 Email: kha@plu.edu Office Location: Morken Center for Learning & Technology - 320 Curriculum Vitae: View my CV Professional Biography Education Ph.D., Marketing, Foster School of Business, University of Washington, 2012 M.E., Industrial and Systems Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2006 M.S., Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University, 2004 B.S., Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University, 2002 Areas of

  • Clinical Instructor | School of Nursing | About 44 years of general practice.

    Leyton Jump, MD Clinical Instructor Professional Biography Education MD, Medicine, University of Oregon Health Sciences Center , 1975 BA, Earlham College, 1971 Areas of Emphasis or Expertise Biography About 44 years of general practice. First in Escondido,Calif and then 35 years in Tenino, Washington as a solo provider and then sharing my office with an ARNP. Primary care is a rewarding and exciting experience. Teaching ARNP students is exciting and fulfilling.  I love to share my interest and

  • Professor Emeritus | School of Business | Dr.

    Kory Brown, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus Curriculum Vitae: View my CV Professional Biography Education Ph.D., Management & Strategy, University of Utah, 2010 M.B.A., Idaho State University, 1995 B.S.E.E., Brigham Young University, 1991 Areas of Emphasis or Expertise Corporate Strategy Entrepreneurship Global Management Collaborative Innovation Selected Publications Selected Publications and Presentations Accolades Professional Achievement Award – Idaho State University, 2016 Wells Fargo Award for

  • Lecturer | School of Nursing | jth@plu.edu | Dr.

    Joseph Ho, MD, PhD Lecturer Email: jth@plu.edu Professional Biography Education PhD, Neurobiology and Behavior, University of Washington MD, University of Washington BS, Cell and Molecular Biology , University of Washington BS, Chemistry, University of Washington Areas of Emphasis or Expertise Neurosurgery Biography Dr. Ho retired from clinical practice as a cerebrovascular and endovascular neurosurgeon after building a successful stroke program at a local hospital system.  He gives back to his

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