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  • Pharm Discussion (1) January 2025 2 credits – Tuition: $2,388 GNUR 704 Pop Health, Policy, & Politics (2) Study Away option (Mexico/DC/Oly/Tacoma) Spring 2025 10 credits – Tuition: $11,940 GNUR 705 Information Systems & Patient Care Technology (2) GNUR 713 Physical Assessment (3) GNUR 714 Advanced Practice Clinical Decision Making (2) GNUR 740 Psychopharmacology (3) Summer 2025 8 credits – Tuition: $9,552 GNUR 706 Biostats, Analytical Methods, & Epidemiology (3) GNUR 741 PMH1 Didactic (2) GNUR 751

  • . Students may turn in Reduced Course Load Authorization Form if they are facing any of the following reasons to be considered part-time: Illness or Medical Condition. Initial Difficulties with English Language (first semester only) Initial Difficulties with Reading Requirement (first semester only) Unfamiliarity with American Teaching Methods (first semester only) Improper Course Level Placement Concurrent Enrollment To Complete Course of Study in Current Term (graduating students only) Report change of

  • do not always result in close, lasting relationships. It is typical for Americans to develop friendly relations with others in the classroom, at the gym, where they live, and where they work. An individual may have a friend to study with, another to play tennis with, and still another as a movie companion. These relationships often do not carry over into other aspects of their lives. Friendships A common habit of casually friendly American is the tendency to say things like “Let’s get together

  • strategy or tool?“‘Active Listening Guides’ are a new and important feature accompanying many music appreciation textbooks as auxiliary online resources at an extra expense beyond the textbook. Now instructors can easily create their own timelines for lectures, study guides, and project activities. These timeline charts can be customized to an instructor’s particular content. It would be most useful in music theory and analysis classes to, for instance, outline the structure of a symphony or other

  • study.” While the Elizabethan language requires some study and understanding, Anderson teaches students that Shakespeare is more about improvisation. “The secret to good Shakespeare is finding a sense of play between actor and audience within that structure,” Anderson explains. “One popular stereotype of Shakespearean acting often invokes a stodgy and impenetrable formality. This comes with a false label of theatre as ‘high culture.’ Shakespeare’s work was always meant for a mixed, popular audience

  • spiraling staircase joins the two floors that open up into a lofty central lounge complete with comfy couches, study tables, hall decorations, and even a kitchen. Here, residents can study, chat or just have a midnight snack. “The house communities are a good way to meet people from other floors that you might not normally talk to. It gives people a place to congregate other than their rooms. Tingelstad is really big, so you have a lot of opportunities to meet new people,” Gunter said. And there are a

  • tradition that is part of the transition into full adulthood in a nation where religion is voluntary. Their conversations also reflect a decade-plus intensification of students’ interest in open exploration of spirituality as part of their educational journeys. PLU students’ spiritual quests exemplify those found in a large-scale study of students who entered 236 diverse colleges and universities in the United States in the fall of 2004. In 2007 UCLA’s Higher Education Research Institute published the

  • August 5, 2010 BIOL 125/126: Molecules, Cells and Organisms/ Genes, Diversity and Ecology Name: Sean Boaglio Hometown: Longview, Wash. Major: Undeclared, leaning Biology Professor: Jacob Egge, assistant professor of biology Sean’s advice to first-year students: “Study with someone. It is a great way to meet people in your class. And when you explain something to someone else, it also helps you understand it better.” For students who want to enter PLU’s rigorous Health Sciences track, the first

  • November 22, 2011 Geosciences professor Claire Todd and her student, Matthew Hegland ’13, will be heading down to Antarctica to study rocks during the next two months. This is Todd’s fourth trip to the Antarctic. Rock On II: Prof and student head back to the frozen continent By Barbara Clements The way Matthew Hegland ’13 figures it, while he’s collecting rocks and bundled up in his parka in Antarctica next month, he’ll probably actually be warmer than his parents – who will be surviving

  • Center. “Trust your instinct to follow what inspires you.” When Anderson was finishing his degree in religion at PLU he wondered what he should next. He was advised to work with old people. Anderson wasn’t sure how to make that a vocation, but his advisor told him, “It’s alright. Ill teach you what to do.” When it was time for Alexander to choose his major, it came down to the study of people for him. Anthropology was a chance to explore how people function and work within society. He applied to work